cod. 1008138

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Lingua e letteratura greca (L-FIL-LET/02)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide knowledge of the discipline (linguistic, historical-literally and didactics). The student will acquire:
1. Knowledge and understanding:
– he/she will become acquainted with the didactics methods in use studying ancient languages;
– he/she will become acquainted with bibliographical sources of the topics.
2. Knowledge and understanding skills applied:
– well-rounded knowledge regarding the teaching abilities required to develop work in the classroom;
3. Making judgments:
– students develop the ability to collect and explain data to state independent judgments within the discipline.
4. Communication skills:
– students will be able to communicate and express methodological conclusions inherent to the discipline in a comprehensible way and supported by the acquired knowledge;
– students will develop the skill regarding choice, organization and management of the topics.
5. Ability to learn:
– students will enhance the learning skills necessary to keep on studying, in an autonomous way, the developments of the discipline.


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Course unit content

The Greek elegy: a case study for didactics purposes.

Teach the archaic Greek poetry, as highlighted also by Italian “Indicazioni nazionali per I percorsi liceali (D.M. 211/2010, all. C)” is a complex and fundamental focus for the work in HS classroom, about which the teachers must question their self and reflect on. A case of particular importance is given by elegy, a literary genre that we can find throughout Greek literature from the origin. Some fragments will be analyzed with special attention to the teaching methods and the historical and literary context.
Aspects and problems in teaching Greek language and literature will be analyzed (Italian “classe di concorso A-13”): teaching methods, lessons planning and development, teaching methods and new technology, epistemology and learning.

1) Analysis and commentary on selected fragments.
2) Additional details will be assigned during the course. a) Knowledge of the didactic of Greek language and literature; b) Reading and analysis of Italian “Indicazioni nazionali per I percorsi liceali” and a teaching proposal; c) Critical essay.

Full programme

The extended program will be available on the online platform Elly at the beginning of the lessons.


1) A. Nicolosi, Archiloco. Elegie, Bologna (Pàtron Editore) 2013; A. Nicolosi, Archiloco. Testimonianze e frammenti, traduzione e note di commento, Roma (Aracne Editrice) 2017 [anche in PDF]; M.L. West, Iambi et elegi Graeci ante Alexandrum cantati, I-II, 2 ed., Oxonii 1989-1992; B. Gentili-C. Prato, Poetarum elegiacorum testimonia et fragmenta, II, 2 ed., Monachii et Lipsiae 2002 (1 ed., Leipzig 1985). Are recomended: D.E. Gerber, Greek elegiac poetry: from the seventh to the fifth centuries BC, Cambridge (Mass.)-London 1999; D.E. Gerber, Greek iambic poetry: from the seventh to the fifth centuries BC, Cambridge (Mass.)-London 1999. Additional essay will be assigned during the course.
2) Additional essay will be assigned during the course.
a) F. Roscalla, Arche megiste. Per una didattica del greco antico, Pisa (ETS) 2009 or A. Taddei, Testi e contesti: per una didattica della letteratura greca nei nuovi licei, Pisa (ETS) 2011 or F. Carta Piras (a cura di), Didattica della lingua e della letteratura greca. Materiali per la didattica del greco e per la funzione docente, Ortacesus, CA (Sandhi) 2011.
b) «Indicazioni nazionali riguardanti gli obiettivi specifici di apprendimento concernenti le attività e gli insegnamenti compresi nei piani degli studi previsti per i percorsi liceali di cui all'articolo 10, comma 3, del decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 15 marzo2010, n. 89, in relazione all'articolo 2, commi 1 e 3, del medesimo regolamento» (D.M. 211/2010, all. C: http://www.gazzettaufficiale.it/gunewsletter/dettaglio.jsp?service=1&datagu=2010-12-14&task=dettaglio&numgu=291&redaz=010G0232&tmstp=1292405356450).
c) Critical essay: C. Neri in L. Canfora e U. Cardinale (a cura di), Disegnare il futuro con intelligenza antica. L’insegnamento del latino e del greco antico in Italia e nel mondo, Bologna (Il Mulino) 2012, pp. 103-152 or F. Roscalla, Greco, che farne? Ripensare il passato per progettare il futuro. Manuali e didattica tra Sette e Novecento, Pisa (ETS) 2016 or M. Napolitano, Il liceo classico: qualche idea per il futuro, Roma (Salerno Ed.) 2017 or F. Condello, La scuola giusta. In difesa del liceo classico, Milano 2018 (Mondadori).

Teaching methods

The teaching method in use is appropriate to the specific needs of the subject which requires the communication of the main course content through classes too (in attendance) with reading, translation, and commentary of texts; other teaching material will be available on the Elly platform. Will be provided 15 multimedia unit, according to D.M. 616/2017 all. B (classe di concorso A-13). Discussion with students about textual (linguistic and historical-literary) and didactics problems; seminars.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final assessment is an oral exam (in attendance) to ascertain familiarity with course material. The exam is divided into a series of three types of questions:
– the student will prove to be able to read, translate, analyze and comment (a didactic purpose) texts studied during the course (1);
– the student will prove to have knowledge and teaching skills (2.b);
– the student will prove to have acquired knowledge of the topics (2.a and 2.c). The pass mark (in thirtieth) is achieved if the student proves to be able to
answer to the three typologies of questions. The outcome will be communicated immediately to the student.

A failure is determined by the lack of an understanding of the minimum content of the course, and the inability to express oneself adequately. A pass (18-21) is assigned to the student who will be able to exhibit with ownership the concepts and terms of the discipline, Middle-range scores (22-26) are assigned to the student who will show critical approach, Higher scores (27-30 cum laude) are assigned to the student who will have deepened knowledge of the subject in an autonomous way, for example comparing different teaching methos or proposing personal disciplinary paths.
An example of a lessons, from which will start the exam, is required.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. 800 904084
E. segreteria.corsiumanistici@unipr.it

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
dott.ssa Valentina Galeotti
T. +39 0521 000000
E. servizio dusic.lettereclassiche_moderne@unipr.it
E. del Manager valentina.galeotti@unipr.it

President of the degree course

prof. Gualtiero Rota
E. gualtiero.rota@unipr.it

Faculty advisor

prof. Riccardo Villicich
E. riccardo.villiich@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate

prof. Carlo Alberto Gemignani
E. carloalberto.gemignani@unipr.it

Tutor Professors

prof.ssa Elena Bonora
E. elena.bonora@unipr.it

prof. Simone Gibertini
E. simone.gibertini@unipr.it

prof. Massimo Magnani
E. massimo.magnani@unipr.it

prof.ssa Alessia Morigi
E. alessia.morigi@unipr.it

prof. Paolo Rinoldi
E. paolo.rinoldi@unipr.it

prof. Gualtiero Rota
E. gualtiero.rota@unipr.it

prof. Paolo Russo
E. paolo.russo@unipr.it

Erasmus delegates

prof.ssa Cristina Carusi (Erasmus SMT)
E. cristina.carusi@unipr.it

prof. Luca Iori (Erasmus SMS)
E. luca.iori@unipr.it

Quality assurance manager

prof. Simone Gibertini
E. simone.gibertini@unipr.it


prof. Gualtiero Rota
E. gualtiero.rota@unipr.it

Tutor students

dr Sara Conti
E. sara.conti1@studenti.unipr.it

Web page editor

prof. Gualtiero Rota
E. gualtiero.rota@unipr.it