Thesis/Final examination

The final examination, to which the degree programme assigns 15 ECTS credits, is designed to demonstrate:

  • the student's acquisition of sound methodological skills;
  • the student's acquisition of autonomous research skills in one of the scientific-disciplinary fields represented in the degree course.

In assessing the final examination, the Commission takes into account:

  • the quality of the thesis;
  • advanced knowledge
  • skills at a specialist level;
  • the critical maturity that the candidate has demonstrated to have acquired by developing an original research pathway in the specific disciplinary field.

The Commission also takes due account of

  • the progress of the discussion;
  • mastery of the subject matter;
  • autonomy of judgement;
  • expository ability;
  • communication skills.

Characteristics of the final test

The final examination consists of the presentation and discussion of a thesis

  • written in original form;
  • in the form of a short monograph of no less than 30,000 words (excluding indexes and bibliography);
  • in which the student demonstrates that he/she has acquired solid methodological skills and autonomous research capacities in one of the Scientific Disciplinary Sectors represented in the course of study.

Topic of the final paper

The subject of the thesis:

  • will be relevant to a discipline that forms part of the course of study of the LM in Classical and Modern Philology and Literature;
  • is agreed with the instructor who is the supervisor. The supervisor in turn designates, possibly in agreement with the student, the co-rapporteur;
  • exceptionally, and with adequate justification (subject to a specific resolution of the Course Council), can be relevant to a discipline which is part of a course unit of another Master's Degree Course of the Department.

Criteria for awarding the final score

The final grade is expressed in hundredths.
The examination is passed if at least sixty-six out of one hundred and ten points are obtained.
Honours, if any, are awarded unanimously.
The Commission may also unanimously propose that the thesis be awarded the dignity of printing or an honourable mention, subject to appropriate and unanimous recognition of the excellence of the candidate's thesis and curriculum vitae.

In awarding the degree mark, the committee assesses:

  • the work related to the preparation of the thesis;
  • the progress of the discussion;
  • the average achieved by the candidate in the profit examinations.

Awarding of points:

  • 0 to 3 points for a sufficient thesis;
  • 4 to 6 points for a good or very good thesis;
  • 7 points for an excellent thesis with characteristics of high scientific originality.

The following shall also be assessed by the committee:

  • the award of additional points No. 1, in the event of achievement of: 
    • minimum 12 ECTS during periods of residence abroad with the Erasmus+ SMS programme or through other Athenaeum opportunities concerning student mobility for study purposes;
  • or
    • minimum 9 ECTS during periods of residence abroad with the Erasmus+ SMT programme or through other Athenaeum opportunities concerning student mobility for internship purposes.


  • recognition of additional points No. 1 to students who, as Student Representatives of the DUSIC Department, have ensured their attendance, self-certified and verified by the President of the Course of Study and the Course of Study Quality Manager, at least 70% of the meetings of the following University Bodies and Organs: 
    • Academic Senate
    • Board of Administration
    • Evaluation Committee
    • Student Council
    • University Quality Presidium
    • Single Guarantee Committee
    • University Sports Committee
    • Department Council
    • Instructors-students Joint Committee
    • Department Quality Presidium
    • Course Council
    • Review Group.

Dissertation in a foreign language

The thesis may be written in a foreign language, without prejudice to the legal obligations concerning the use of the Italian language.
It is possible to recognise part of the CFUs of the final examination as CFUs gained abroad in research and/or study stays carried out as part of international exchange programmes.
Prior to departure, the student must agree with the thesis supervisor on the specific activity to be carried out abroad and the number of CFUs to be accrued.

Composition of the Commission

The Commission for the final examination

  • is appointed by the Director of the Department to which it belongs;
  • is composed of at least five members, the majority of whom must be tenured professors and may also include experts in the subject;
  • is chaired by a President, chosen from among the tenured professors, with preference given to
    • the Director of the Department;
    • the President of the Course Council;
    • the first or second-ranking professor with the most seniority in the field.

It is the responsibility of the President of the Commission to ensure that the work is carried out properly and that the final assessments adhere to the general criteria laid down by the Course Council.
The president appoints a secretary from among the members of the committee to take the minutes.
In special, duly justified cases, the Course Council may assign the duties of co-rapporteur and member of the selection board to external experts.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. 800 904084

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
dott.ssa Valentina Galeotti
T. +39 0521 000000
E. servizio
E. del Manager

President of the degree course

prof. Gualtiero Rota

Faculty advisor

prof. Riccardo Villicich

Career guidance delegate

prof. Carlo Alberto Gemignani

Tutor Professors

prof.ssa Elena Bonora

prof. Simone Gibertini

prof. Massimo Magnani

prof.ssa Alessia Morigi

prof. Paolo Rinoldi

prof. Gualtiero Rota

prof. Paolo Russo

Erasmus delegates

prof.ssa Cristina Carusi (Erasmus SMT)

prof. Luca Iori (Erasmus SMS)

Quality assurance manager

prof. Simone Gibertini


prof. Gualtiero Rota

Tutor students

dr Sara Conti

Web page editor

prof. Gualtiero Rota