Expected competences
Bearing in mind the centrality of philological study in the course structure, with training activities that emphasise the techniques of text analysis and criticism, the division into two classes will allow:
- the acquisition of specific skills;
- the mastery of specific theoretical and methodological tools.
1. As for Classics (LM-15), the course aims to promote:
- the acquisition of a full and complete knowledge of Greek and Latin languages and literature;
- the knowledge of the political and social history of antiquity and its artistic and material culture.
2. As for the modern side (LM-14), the course aims at:
- the attainment of a full mastery of Italian literary history and Italian linguistic history, seen in their relations with historical, artistic and cultural development;
- an adequate knowledge of Latin language and literature;
- the acquisition of up-to-date knowledge of the research techniques necessary for the retrieval, exegesis and critical use of sources.
The establishment of a broad training base common to all those enrolled in the interclass Master's Degree Course is implemented through the activation, for an appropriate number of ECTS credits, of course units belonging to the disciplinary sectors common to the curricula of the two Master's degrees, supplemented with an appropriate choice of related or supplementary disciplines. These include scientific-disciplinary fields that are not common to the two degree classes, which complete the educational pathway and will be selected for the training of different professional figures.