cod. 1010260

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The two Units aim a deaper knoledge in the discipline of "General Linguistics", in the context of the descriptors of Dublin still focused for the LT course.


have taken a "General Linguistics" course in LT.
Considering the specifics of the course, and the fact that it is not compulsory in any way, once chosen attendance is strongly recommended.

Course unit content

Unit 1 "General Linguistics" (D. Astori)
The course will consist of an introduction to the Esperanto language and culture with a view to deepening the relationship between language/culture/identity/Weltanschauung from the heterodox point of view of a planned language. The object of study will be the musical "June kaj kune"
(, which will be analyzed in its cultural and social aspects deriving from being the product of a minority language with specific characteristics.

Unit 2 "Interlinguistics" (D. Astori)
The course for 'Interlinguistics' will develop on three main streams: 'contact', 'planning', 'creativity'. Each one will be presented as a sort of module, with an initial theoretical introduction to the phenomenon and a series of examples which illustrate the more concrete implications. About these ones, in relation to the first one will show aspects of contact and interference between languages (from the semantic or structure point of view), dedicating a minimum space also to Yiddish, emblematic in its nature of 'Mischungsprache'; in relation with the second, we will initially reflect on the planning processes (the Ladin and Sardinian realities will be the natural context of the presentation), and, after a classification of artificial languages, some more interesting projects will be reviewed (for example, a musical language such as the Solresol, or the Europanto by Diego Marani, or even Esperanto), and at least one lesson will be devoted to the problems related to the linguistic situation in a European Union in search of vehicular languages (in a debate that is divided between ecology and linguistic democracy); the third will deal with creations for artistic use (in literature, in cinema, etc.). There will also be an in-depth analysis of the relationship between language and identity, a subject re-read in the light of a deliberately "heterodox" approach (in the sense of André Martinet's successful definition of "Interlinguistics" in 1989 as "the heterodox branch of Linguistics"). Then there is the intention to invite some external experts. As an introduction read:

Full programme

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De Saussure F., "Cours de Linguistique générale" [CLG], Payot 1916 - diacronic part from §193, p. 171 dell'edizione della Laterza a cura di T. De Mauro). Specific bibliography will be given during the lessons.

Unit 2
D. Astori, "Interlinguistica. Pianificazione, creatività, contatto", Athenaeum, Parma 2019. D. Astori, Homaranismo. Un credo “neutrale – umano” per ilmondo, UniNova, Parma 2021.
More bibliography will be given during the lessons.

Teaching methods

The topics of each module are covered in 15 lessons of two hours each. At the end of each lesson, the teacher dedicates a reception hour to the students in his office, specifically intended for clarification on the topics covered in class or on the readings to be prepared for the exam.
The teaching is normally consisting of lectures and seminar activities in presence.

Assessment methods and criteria

For both the units, the final test is performed with oral exam at the end of the course. They are established in both the foreground as to discipline both the discoursive and argumentative skills of the student.
For the assessment questions on the different parts of the program are intended to verify:
- The proper critical understanding of the features and the main hubs of discipline and distance covered;
- The ability to collect data and interpret them critically, and formulate judgments and self-motivated on them and on the socio-cultural context in which they occur;
- The ability to develop clear cross paths.

Evaluation criteria:
- Clear description, of language, ability to rework content, ability to interdisciplinary links, use of specialized vocabulary, relevant answers than questions.

Sufficiency will be reached in the event of a correct answer to 60% of the questions in respect of the above criteria.

About the distribution of the overall score of the vote, up to 8 points are related to the knowledge of the text of Saussure, up to 8 to the indicated volume, up to 8 to the programme discussed in class; you will earn up to 3 points with an (optional) paper agreed with the teacher during the course, and up to 3 will be gained through the interaction within the classroom activities.

Other information

It was not thought to provide different programs, for those who attend fully and for those who may have difficulty in participating directly in full or in part, because it is believed that knowledge of the study materials indicated in the Syllabus allows one to fully achieve, if made aware and well digested and made one's own, the level of preparation required to pass the exam. It is emphasized that, in particular in a master's course, the lessons are a moment of common reflection and discussion on the topics illustrated in such exam materials, and as such they do not add information, but help in preparation, and the first value of them is to support the student not so much in the acquisition of data, but in the elaboration of contents that anyone should already be able to learn independently: these are, therefore, methodological meetings, to put it another way, not content-related. To accompany the path, whenever it is deemed necessary, additional materials are uploaded for a further framework on the topics discussed together in the classroom from time to time, and indications of what to do from time to time are provided via forums.
Regarding more specific issues, even those who are not "attending", if they like, can easily produce an optional essay, which, instead of presenting in class, they will send in writing to the teacher after having contacted him and having established criteria and timing; as for the further 3 points regarding interaction with the proposed activities, even remotely it is possible to participate in the teacher's reflections and/or doubts on what is being studied, respond to any proposals for further study addressed via forum, and interact through any receptions.
Who never did "General Linguistics" in LT, please contact the teacher before the beginning of the semester.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. 800 904084

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
dott.ssa Valentina Galeotti
T. +39 0521 000000
E. servizio
E. del Manager

President of the degree course

prof. Gualtiero Rota

Faculty advisor

prof. Riccardo Villicich

Career guidance delegate

prof. Carlo Alberto Gemignani

Tutor Professors

prof.ssa Elena Bonora

prof. Simone Gibertini

prof. Massimo Magnani

prof.ssa Alessia Morigi

prof. Paolo Rinoldi

prof. Gualtiero Rota

prof. Paolo Russo

Erasmus delegates

prof.ssa Cristina Carusi (Erasmus SMT)

prof. Luca Iori (Erasmus SMS)

Quality assurance manager

prof. Simone Gibertini


prof. Gualtiero Rota

Tutor students

dr Sara Conti

Web page editor

prof. Gualtiero Rota