Learning objectives

The Master’s Degree Course in Classical and Modern Literature

  • is aimed at a broad cultural education;
  • enables the acquisition of a firm grasp of the tools of philological-literary, linguistic and historical research and of the respective subject lexicons.

The common basis is first and foremost philological expertise working on the handed-down text and its modern restitution.

Bringing the two philology degree classes together in an interclass course has the advantage, from a cultural point of view, of highlighting the fundamental unity of themes that run through Western culture, from classical roots to modern and contemporary developments.

Expected competences

Bearing in mind the centrality of philological study in the course structure, with training activities that emphasise the techniques of text analysis and criticism, the division into two classes will allow:

  • the acquisition of specific skills;
  • the mastery of specific theoretical and methodological tools.

1. As for Classics (LM-15), the course aims to promote:

  • the acquisition of a full and complete knowledge of Greek and Latin languages and literature;
  • the knowledge of the political and social history of antiquity and its artistic and material culture.

2. As for the modern side (LM-14), the course aims at:

  • the attainment of a full mastery of Italian literary history and Italian linguistic history, seen in their relations with historical, artistic and cultural development;
  • an adequate knowledge of Latin language and literature;
  • the acquisition of up-to-date knowledge of the research techniques necessary for the retrieval, exegesis and critical use of sources.

The establishment of a broad training base common to all those enrolled in the interclass Master's Degree Course is implemented through the activation, for an appropriate number of ECTS credits, of course units belonging to the disciplinary sectors common to the curricula of the two Master's degrees, supplemented with an appropriate choice of related or supplementary disciplines. These include scientific-disciplinary fields that are not common to the two degree classes, which complete the educational pathway and will be selected for the training of different professional figures.

Operational methodologies

The Master's degree course in Classical and Modern Literature provides for course units organised:

  • on a face-to-face model;
  • on the seminar model, which allows the active participation of students through research work coordinated and supervised by the instructor.

This is intended to foster in graduates a knowledge of sources and critical-interpretative tools, as well as to ensure the verification of learning outcomes throughout the course, fostering a methodological approach that leads to the preparation of the final examination.
Participation in workshops, traineeship and internships is intended to complete the training experience and to initiate people into the relevant professions.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. 800 904084
E. segreteria.corsiumanistici@unipr.it

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
dott.ssa Valentina Galeotti
T. +39 0521 000000
E. servizio dusic.lettereclassiche_moderne@unipr.it
E. del Manager valentina.galeotti@unipr.it

President of the degree course

prof. Gualtiero Rota
E. gualtiero.rota@unipr.it

Faculty advisor

prof. Riccardo Villicich
E. riccardo.villiich@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate

prof. Carlo Alberto Gemignani
E. carloalberto.gemignani@unipr.it

Tutor Professors

prof.ssa Elena Bonora
E. elena.bonora@unipr.it

prof. Simone Gibertini
E. simone.gibertini@unipr.it

prof. Massimo Magnani
E. massimo.magnani@unipr.it

prof.ssa Alessia Morigi
E. alessia.morigi@unipr.it

prof. Paolo Rinoldi
E. paolo.rinoldi@unipr.it

prof. Gualtiero Rota
E. gualtiero.rota@unipr.it

prof. Paolo Russo
E. paolo.russo@unipr.it

Erasmus delegates

prof.ssa Cristina Carusi (Erasmus SMT)
E. cristina.carusi@unipr.it

prof. Luca Iori (Erasmus SMS)
E. luca.iori@unipr.it

Quality assurance manager

prof. Simone Gibertini
E. simone.gibertini@unipr.it


prof. Gualtiero Rota
E. gualtiero.rota@unipr.it

Tutor students

dr Sara Conti
E. sara.conti1@studenti.unipr.it

Web page editor

prof. Gualtiero Rota
E. gualtiero.rota@unipr.it