Thesis/Final examination

The final examination consists of the presentation and discussion of a thesis written in original form, in which the student demonstrates that he/she has acquired solid methodological skills and autonomous research capacities in the field of one of the academic disciplines covered by the degree course.
The assessment in hundredths shall be based on the average acquired in the curriculum vitae of studies, the judgments expressed by the supervisor and co-rapporteur on the dissertation and the quality of the discussion of the dissertation, to which a mark shall be attributed that will take into account the various skills expressed by the undergraduate, in particular their ability to apply acquired knowledge and understanding to the subject of the dissertation, their autonomy of judgement and their communicative and dialectical skills. The specific modalities and further characteristics of the conduct of the final examination are laid down in the Second-Cycle Degree Course Regulations

Procedure for the final examination

The manner in which the test is conducted is laid down in the Second-Cycle Degree Course Regulations and can be summarised as follows:

1. The final examination is awarded 18 ECTS credits.

2. According to Art. 39(2) of the University Regulations, the Final Examination Committee, appointed by the Rector, consists of at least seven members. The Course Council may decide to assign the duties of co-rapporteur and member of the selection committee to external experts. The president of the committee is a tenured professor, preferably the President of the Course Council or the senior or second-ranking professor with the most seniority.

3. It is up to the President of the Committee to ensure that the work is carried out properly and that the final assessments adhere to the general criteria laid down by the Course Council, including checking the uniformity of the assessments.

4.The president appoints a secretary from among the members of the committee to take the minutes.

5.The final grade is expressed in hundredths. The examination is passed if at least sixty-six out of one hundred and ten points are obtained. Honours (lode), if any, are awarded unanimously. In awarding the grade, the Committee takes into account the candidate's performance in the discussion and their curriculum.

6. According to the Degree Course Regulations, a point is automatically added to the final weighted average (and indicated in the relevant document) by the Student Registry Office to all undergraduates who have obtained at least 12 ECTS credits abroad by participating in one of the internationalisation projects provided by our University within the Erasmus Programme (mobility for study purposes SMS, mobility for the purpose of SMT internship; Erasmus KA 107) and/or the Overworld Programme. Points are not cumulative and only 1 additional point is added to the curricular average if one or two of the above occurrences are achieved. An additional point is added to the final grade for those who graduate within the regular course duration. 

Dissertation Workshop

Each year, the Course in Journalism and Publishing Culture offers its students a 4-day workshop to support the planning and preparation of their dissertation. The Dissertation Workshop is held in the second semester.




Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manger:
Dott.ssa Valentina Galeotti
T. +39 0521 034133
Office E. dusic.giornalismo@unipr 
Manager E. valentina.galeotti@unipr

President of the degree course

Prof. Marco Deriu

Faculty advisor

Prof. Matteo Truffelli

Career guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Laura Gherardi

Tutor Professors

Prof. Matteo Truffelli

Prof. Marco Deriu

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Paola Volpini

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Matteo Truffelli


Prof.ssa Sabrina Tosi Cambini

Tutor students

Alberto NEGRI 
