The main incoming guidance activity is the Open Day (approx. April/May each year), which involves course illustrations, distribution of information material, face-to-face interviews and visits to departments.
At the beginning of classes, the course organises a presentation for new students, in which the course president and professors/instructors explain the courses, the syllabi, the types of related examinations and all the initiatives envisaged by the degree course.
All the professors/instructors of the second-cycle degree in Journalism, Publishing Culture and Multimedia Communication are available, during their respective office hours, to suggest the most suitable curricula to follow in order to approach their programmes of study with confidence and understanding. For special requests and problems relating to individual programmes of study, validation of examinations from previous courses of study, declarations of equivalence, etc., please contact the course president Prof. Marco Deriu - email: and the professors/instructors:
- Prof. Matteo Truffelli - email: (incoming and ongoing guidance)
- Prof.ssa Laura Gherardi - email: (career guidance)
- Prof. Marco Deriu - email: