Teaching quality

Quality Assurance is an indispensable process that involves all those who work in the University, in which each individual's progress benefits the entire University and stimulates the kind of fruitful debate the university must aspire to in order to ensure its social role is effective and tangible.

- defining quality policies that are aligned with the University's strategic directions, and reliable and robust procedures through which the governing bodies can implement them;

- implementing activities to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in all the University's internal processes, first and foremost in the service of the quality of education and research;

- creating awareness in all those who work in the University so that everyone's tasks are carried out competently and promptly, the services provided are effective, and a record is kept of what has been done to monitor and measure results.
For more information on Quality Assurance, please consult this page: https://www.unipr.it/AQ



Student Opinion Survey Questionnaire (OPIS)

The Student Opinion Survey Questionnaire (OPIS) is a tool designed to detect student opinion with a view to improving teaching, quality and the organisation of degree courses and is an integral part of the assessment system; for students it is an important opportunity to make their voices heard and actively participate in the life of their course, as a guarantee of better Quality Assurance: for this reason the University recommends that it is filled in punctually and accurately.
For more information on OPIS questionnaires, please visit the following page: https://www.unipr.it/didattica/i-corsi-di-studio/compilazione-del-quest…

Organisation and responsibility for Course QA

In terms of quality assurance, the Course President:
1) monitors the demand for training, establishing the appropriate contacts with the main industry players in the area;
2) presents the Course Council with potential amendments to the degree course regulations to submit to the CPDS for approval and then to the Departmental Council;
3) supervises the drafting of the SUA-CdS, proposing to the Course Council any amendments to the SUA-CdS RaD frameworks to be submitted to the CPDS for approval and then to the Departmental Council;
4) is responsible for drafting the Annual Monitoring Form;
5) urges professors/instructors to update the course unit syllabi by the month of June, via the UGOV portal.
The Course Council is made up of the official professors of the course units making up the degree course and the researchers carrying out supporting teaching activities, as well as student representatives (20%). It supervises the teaching activities and implements the relevant resolutions. Through its President:
1) it is responsible for the information in ANVUR documents: SUA-CdS, Annual Monitoring Form, Cyclic Review Report. The analysis and discussion of the Annual Monitoring Form, the verification of the contents of the Single Annual Course Report Card and the elaboration and sharing of the Cyclical Review Report are carried out in the context of the Course Council meetings;
2) it verifies and, if necessary, updates the Degree Course Regulations (https://cdl-tlb.unipr.it/study/regulations), and then presents them to the Departmental Council;
3) it defines and proposes to the Departmental Council the planned and delivered course catalogue (https://cdl-tlb.unipr.it/studiare/piano-degli-studi);
4) it verifies and, if necessary, updates aspects of the training process (the knowledge required for admission, the characteristics of the final examination, the way the final examination is carried out, and context-based services such as ongoing guidance and tutoring).
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANAGER (RAQ) The RAQ has the function of monitoring and verifying the correct implementation of the improvement actions approved by the Course Council, and his/her tasks are:
1) to monitor, with the help of the administrative staff of the Department's teaching area and/or service centres, the correct performance of teaching activities and support services;
2) to receive and arrange for the acceptance of any reports from students on critical issues concerning the correct performance of teaching activities;
3) to propose to the Course Council the programme of improvement actions;
4) to collaborate, within the QA Management Group, in the drafting of the Annual Monitoring Form and the Cyclical Review Report.
Finally, by 31 October of each academic year, he/she draws up a detailed and documented report on the activities carried out during the year and submits it to the Course President.
This is made up of figures who are able to contribute to the evaluation of the course from different perspectives (professors/instructors, technical-administrative staff, students). It includes, among its members, the Course President, the RAQ, other professors/instructors whose number is at the discretion of the Course Council, a student representative (appointed by the student representatives elected on the Course Council) and a representative of the administrative staff of the Teaching Area (Teaching Quality Manager).
The QA Management Group has the task of guiding the course towards the goal of continually improving its results. Its work takes the form of the compilation of the Annual Monitoring Form and the drafting of the Cyclic Review Report, at various meetings where critical issues are discussed, drafts are finalised and the final text is approved for subsequent evaluation by the Course Council.
In the course of the self-evaluation process, it examines the results of teaching activities and the progress of students' careers, student opinion survey questionnaires, the annual report provided by the Joint Professor/Instructor and Student Committee and the Evaluation Committee Report.
The tasks of the Education Quality Manager are to:
- provide administrative support for everything concerning the organisation and operation of the degree course, in coordination with the Quality Assurance Office Manager;
- update the data for which he/she is responsible on the course website in collaboration with the relevant structures;
- assist the Quality Assurance Office in defining the timetable of training activities, presented on the portal http://agendastudenti.unipr.it/.


Work scheduling and implementation deadlines for initiatives

At degree-course level, scheduling mainly concerns the following activities and deadlines:

- definition/updating of learning objectives: when necessary by 31 January by 31 January each year;

- redesigning of the course catalogue: every year, if necessary, within the ministerial deadlines for the modification of the organisational frameworks;

- updating of the course-unit syllabi for the following academic year: every year by 31 July;

- filling in of the SUA-CdS: every year according to ministerial deadlines, between the end of May and the beginning of June;

- evaluation, by the RAQ, of the students' questionnaires: every year by 31 October;

- coordination and monitoring by the RAQ of potential corrective action: ongoing action;

- compilation of the Annual Monitoring Form: every year by 31 October;

- meetings of the QA Management Group aimed at monitoring actions and proposing improvement initiatives: several times per year, particularly depending on the implementation of the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA) and the evaluation of the status of the actions identified in the current Cyclic Review Report.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti

E. [email segreteria @unipr] (modificare link a email)
T. +39 0521 000000 (modificare link telefonico)

Servizio per la qualità della didattica

Manager della didattica:
[titolo] [nome] [cognome]

T. +39 0521 000000 (modificare link telefonico)
E. servizio [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)
E. del manager [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)

Presidente del corso di studio

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E. [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)

Delegato orientamento in ingresso

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Delegato orientamento in uscita

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Docenti tutor

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Delegati Erasmus

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Referente assicurazione qualità

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Tirocini formativi

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Studenti tutor

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E. [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)