Learning objectives
At the end of the course, students are expected to: a) know and to be able to understand the national regulation for Financial reporting. Specifically, students are expected to understand the objective and the structure of the financial reporting, the measurement criteria for the recognition of equity, earnings and their analytical components. b) to be able to use the skills and competencies; specifically, students are expected to able to use the accounting standard for the preparation of financial statements. In other words, students are expected to be able to determine and analyze financial reporting of companies of manufacturing and non-financial services industry. c) develop autonomy of judgements in the choices related to the measurement of individual elements included in the financial statements (assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses). d) develop communication skills for managing the internal relations (e.g. among the Chief Financial Officer, internal auditors) and the external relations (e.g. investors, creditors, external auditors, control authorities). e) develop further learning skills to continue the understanding the financial statement and improve their professional position.
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Course unit content
The contents of the course are focused on the discipline of the financial statements required by the civil code and by the accounting principles of the Italian Organismo Italiano di Contabilità (OIC). Specifically, they include the following topics: 1. Regulation of the financial reporting 2. The objective of financial reporting 3. The documents of the financial statements 4. Notes and Management Report 5. Tangible and intangible assets 6. Investments 7. Inventories 8. Bonds 9. Receivables, debt and provision 10. Income taxes
Full programme
National accounting principles for financial reporting that include these topics:
1. International harmonization of financial reporting
2. The objective of financial reporting
3. The documents of the financial statements
4. Notes and management report
5. Tangible and intangible assets
6. Equity investments
7. Inventories
8. Debt financial instruments
9. Receivables, debt and provision
10. Income taxes
Azzali S. (ed.), Financial Reporting and Accounting Standard, Giappichelli, Turin, 2025:
- for the answers to the questions included in the written test: chapters from no. 1 to no. 11;
- for the exercises included in the written test: chap. 3,5,8,9,10.
Teaching methods
Acquisition of knowledge: face-to-face lessons (subject to the possibility, in case of need or opportunity, to carry out no more than 10% of the lessons in streaming) used only as a teaching instrument and it could never replace the textbook.
Acquisition of capability in applying knowledge: exercitations
Acquisition of autonomy in judgment: exercitations
Acquisition of learning skills: face to face lectures (subject to the possibility, in case of need or opportunity, to carry out no more than 10% of the lessons in streaming) and seminars will present problematic situations, stimulate the focus on critical issues and propose appropriate solutions.
Acquisition of technical language: during the course will be illustrated the main accounting words
The slides used to support the lessons are loaded weekly on Elly; the same for integrative documents, in particular related to the exercises. To download the slides it is necessary to register on the online course. For a good preparation of the exam it is fundamental the use and the study of the text of reference; the slides are used only as a support for the lessons and they don't replace the textbook.
Assessment methods and criteria
The ability assessment of the learning is verified with a written exam with 2 questions and 2 exercises, equal weighted (8 points for each part). Questions aim to appreciate the knowledge and understanding, the communication skills, technical skills and making judgments. Exercises aim to evaluate the applying knowledge. The rating scale is 0-32; the student who reaches the evaluation of 31 and 32 achieves the evaluation of 30 and “lode”.
The questions have the objective of measuring the level of knowledge acquired, the communication skills, the adequacy in the use of technical language and the autonomy of judgment; the exercises aim to measure the applicative skills of knowledge.
During the test the use of calculator is allowed.
The results of the test are published on ESSE3.
In addition to the ordinary exam sessions to which you register through ESSE3, a final exam is scheduled at the end of the course, whose procedures are described on time in Elly on the course page and which can be accessed by all students (both attending and non-attending students of any year of the course).
The Exam will last 1 hour.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
This teaching contributes to the realization of the UN objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.