Tutor internazionali
They are students enrolled in the Master's Degree Courses of the Department of Economic and Business Sciences, selected (following an official announcement) and appointed by an ad hoc commission on the basis of the evaluation of the qualifications and requirements possessed at the time of their candidacy.
International tutors are a new figure of tutor whose aim is to assist all students of the Bachelor's and Master's degree courses and PhD students in international mobility, both incoming and outgoing. In particular, their task is:
■ provide all the necessary information to students and doctoral candidates interested in participating in any of the international mobility projects of the Department of Economic and Business Sciences, both in the Erasmus + framework and in that of the Overworld or Double Degree projects;
■ assist the outgoing student in all phases of the international mobility process, from the initial one with the compilation of all the documents necessary for departure to the final one, expected at the time of return;
■ assist the incoming student, guaranteeing an adequate information service regarding the opportunities available to him within our University, as well as intermediating with the Offices and the Department regarding the compilation and delivery of the requested documents together with an orientation service that guarantees the full integration of the foreign student within our academic network.
■ collect data and information relating to the international mobility projects that have involved students of the Department of Economic and Business Sciences in recent years, in order to offer an adequate information system of the foreign universities involved in the internationalization process accompanied by a collection and statistical analysis for research, cataloging and analysis purposes, which can be consulted by our students.
Contacts: https://sea.unipr.it/it/tutor-economia