Learning objectives
In-depth knowledge and understanding of theoretical philosophy, its relation to historical contexts, and its application to contemporary
debates. Ability to discuss in an argumentative form the subject-matters proposed in the lessons and to critically compare the interpretations of
the assigned texts. Development of communicative and learning skills, and of the ability to make autonomous judgments on philosophical matters.
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Course unit content
Pragmatism and Philosophy. The course will deal with some aspects of John Dewey's social ontology and philosophy of society. habit, custom, institutions; nature, life, and society; power, domination, social freedom, and democracy
Full programme
Optional readings for students not attending the lessons:
- John Dewey, Vita, Pensiero, Opere Scelte, Il sole 24 ore, 2006, pp. 9-170 (La vita; Il pensiero)
- Il pragmatismo, a cura di R.M. Calcaterra, G. Maddalena, e G. Marchetti, Carocci, Roma, 2015, pp. 113-137
- J. Dewey, Filosofia sociale e politica, Rosenberg & Sellier, Cap I- Vi
- J. Dewey, Natura e condotta dell'uomo, La nuova italia, Parte I ((versione elettronica originale: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/41386)
- J. Dewey, Rifare la la filosofia, Donzelli
J. Dewey, Una fede comune, Orthotes, Napoli, 2025. (or alternatively: F. Caruana, I. Testa, Habits. Pragmatist Approaches From Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and Social Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2021 (four chapters of the student's choice)
Teaching methods
teacher up-front lesson
Guided discussion
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam will include a short written exercise (a book review of max. 4000 characters) on a text (10 % of the final grade) from the exam bibliography (J. Dewey, Una fede comune; or alternatively one chapter from the book "Habits. Pragmatist Approaches From Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and Social Theory), and
will be taken in the form of an interview regarding the texts included in the program (90 % of the final grade)
The final evaluation (on a scale of 0-30) will be determined on the basis of four factors: 1) Expressive accuracy; 2) argumentative capacity and independence of judgment; 3) Ability to read, understand, and critically analyze philosophical texts; 4) Ability to identify theoretical links between different concepts and philosophical positions.
The exam is considered passed if it reaches the minimum grade of 18/30. The final mark will be determined according to the following parameters:
30 e Lode: Cum Laude; Outstanding expressive skills, brilliant ability to argue a thesis in a convincing way and to identify its weaknesses, terrific understanding and critical analysis of the texts assigned and the main concepts involved
30: Excellent; accurate and very well articulated expression skills, excellent understanding of the texts assigned and the concepts and topics involved
27-29: Very Good; correct and orderly expression skills, adequate capacity for argumentation and critical analysis of texts and concepts
24-26: Good: Good but not always correct expression skills, satisfactory ability to argue a philosophical thesis and to analyze texts and concepts, knowledge of texts not always complete
21-23: Discreet: not always appropriate expression skills, discreet argumentative ability, sometimes unsatisfactory understanding of texts and concepts
18-21: Sufficient: expressive skills often not adequate, unsatisfactory argumentative capacity, acceptable but often superficial knowledge and understanding of texts and concepts
0-18: Insufficient: Serious expressive gaps, inability to philosophically argue a thesis, inadequate knowledge and understanding of texts and concepts
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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