cod. 1005854

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Annual
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The Cartography module has the objective to provide the students with
the theoretical basis of Cartography. Moreover, they will learn how to
read topographic maps, to determine the coordinates of a point, to create
topographical transects, and to delimit catchment areas. In the GIS
module the students will learn to manage the digital geographic data,
using the open source software QGIS, handling complex problems such
as georepherencing of maps, management of raster and vector data
formats, the extraction of information by means of geographic
information systems.



Course unit content

The course provides knowledge on the shape of the Earth, on the motions of the planet and the effects of the inclination of the Earth's axis; on the structure and physical characteristics of the atmosphere and solar radiation; on atmospheric pressure and winds; on atmospheric humidity, types of precipitation and phenomena of cyclonic perturbations; on terrestrial climates and their classification.
It also provides the theoretical and practical elements of classical and digital cartography and the notions for the management of geographic data through the use of geographic information systems (QGIS software)

Full programme

Elements of astronomical geography: the solar system, planets, main characteristics, motions, distances and dimensions.
Planet Earth’s motions, revolution and rotation, inclination of the axis, height and declination of the sun, the latitude. Solar forcing, energy balance, the seasons.
Duration of day and night, time measurements and longitude.
Earth's magnetic field, cosmic particles and aurora borealis.
ATMOSPHERE: Structure and chemical composition of the atmosphere, meteorological phenomena. Measuring instruments for temperature, precipitation, pressure, humidity, wind speed, insolation. Atmospheric pressure, isobars, convective cells, winds, meteorological systems. The greehouse effect.
TERRESTRIAL CRUST and LITHOSPHERE: plaques, distribution of the continents in the climate system.
HYDROSPHERE: seas and oceans, tides and lunar motions, mascaret, sea currents, Ekman spiral, surface and underground waters, glaciers, ice sheets and pack ice
BIOSPHERE: outline of global biogeography, the interactions between the physical and biological environment, spontaneous vegetation as a climate indicator, types of forests, grassland, savannah, steppe, desert, tundra. Carbon cycle
The climates, their latitudinal and altitudinal distribution, classification according to W. Köppen and to A.N. Strahler, natural variability and climate change.
History of cartography and measurements of the Earth dimensions (outline)
Classification of maps; general maps and thematic maps.
Reference ellipsoids and azimuthal cartographic projections; of conical and cylindrical development; Geographic grid and calculation of the coordinates of a point (Rome40 and ED50 datum).
Triangulations and photogrammetric survey (outline).
Cartographic organs and official Italian cartography.
Gauss-Boaga cross-grid and UTM and calculation of the coordinates of a point.
Characteristics and methods of use of the GPS system (Global Positioning System).
Cartographic symbols.
Altitude representation of the terrain, contour lines, altitude of a point, distance and acclivity between two points
Execution of the topographic profile.
Delimitation of river basins.
Features of the Regional Technical Card.
Overview of numerical cartography.
General features of a GIS.
Specific features of QGIS, a Free and Open Source Geographic Information System
The main commands:
for the management of the working environment, the layers;
for the management of the raster data;
for the management of vector data;
for database management.
Geoprocessing and query
digital cartography in the geoportals; data acquisition and WMS services
digitalization and georeferencing of cards
Change of coordinate systems and change of datum.
Extraction of information from a DEM or its deviates, in a given point,
along a line (topographic profile) and in an area.


Strahler A. “Fondamenti di Geografia Fisica”, Zanichelli 2015
Strahler A.N. “Geografia Fisica”, Piccin 1984
Casati, Scienze della Terra Vol. 1

Perego S.: Cartografia . Lettura delle Carte Topografiche, -2010.
Migliaccio F., Carrion D. Sistemi informativi territoriali. UTET, 2016

Slides of the lectures, scientific paper given by the professor

Teaching methods

Lectures, 6 credits, for a total of 48 hours in the first semester. The slides used to support the
lessons are uploaded on a weekly basis on the Elly platform. To download
the slides, you need to register for the online course.
The slides are considered an integral part of the teaching material, and
are to be used to integrate the information received during the course
with the necessary insights to be done individually on the indicated
textbooks. Non-attending students are reminded to check the didactic
material available and the information provided by the professor through
the Elly platform.

The course in the second semester is carried out through lectures and practical activities on
maps and computer, 6 credits, for a total of 48 hours. Acquired
knowledge of the most commonly used commands for the visualization
and analysis of the cartographic works, the digitalization of cartographic
data and the creation of layouts through QGIS. Practical applications of
using a GIS are performed along the course.
The slides used to support the lessons are uploaded on a weekly basis on
the Elly platform. To download the slides, you need to register for the
online course. The slides are considered an integral part of the teaching
material, and are to be used to integrate the information received during
the course with the necessary insights to be done individually on the
indicated textbooks. Non-attending students are reminded to check the
didactic material available and the information provided by the teacher
through the Elly platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam takes place through an oral interview. Four questions of [8/30]
each will be asked (the grade >30 corresponds to 30L), for a typical
duration of around 30-40 minutes. If a question is completely unanswered
or completely wrong, the maximum mark achievable in the exam will be
The grade of the oral exam is communicated immediately at the end of
the exam.
The 3 exams relating to the Physical Geography, Cartography and GIS
course must be passed in sequence:
Codice Descrizione
15 La vita sulla terra- Physical Geography (one oral exam, 1 vote)
- Cartography (one practical exam, 1 vote)
- GIS (one practical exam, 1 vote)
The final grade for the Physical Geography, Cartography and GIS exam is
given by the average of the 3 grades obtained in Physical Geography (1
grade), Cartography (1 grade) and GIS (1 grade). The final grade is
recorded on the GIS exam, after passing it.

IMPORTANT: You can access the Cartography exam only if you have
passed the oral exam of Physical Geography (first semester).
The GIS exam is accessed only if the Cartography exam has been passed.
- Cartography Mod.: the exam is subdivided into two parts (the grade of
the first part is added to the grade of the second part). The Cartography
Mod. is passed if an overall grade> = 18/30 is obtained and if no serious
errors are made in the second part (i.e., no grade with 0).
1st part) Coordinates of a point in the 4 coordinate systems (UTM
kilometric, Gauss-Boaga kilometric, Italian geographic and international
geographic) [5/30], theory test of 5 questions with closed answers
2nd part) construction of a topographic profile [10/30] and delimitation of
a hydrographic basin [10/30] from a topographic map.
The grade of the practical exam is possibly communicated within 24
hours if requested from the student for accessing the GIS exam in the
following days.
- Mod. GIS: the exam is subdivided into two parts (the grade of the first
part is added to the grade of the second part).
1st part) Execution of an exercise to verify the knowledge acquired in
data management and use of some fundamental functions of QGIS
[25/30]. The problem to be solved is based on the exercises seen during
the course.
2nd part) theory test of 5 questions with closed answers [5/30].
The grade of the practical exam is possibly communicated within 1-3

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

The knowledge of Physical Geography is fundamental for understanding the ongoing dynamics in the various environments in the context of climatic and global changes, in favor of life on Earth (goal # 15 of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development). The course provides the elements for being able to know the various terrestrial environments and to be able to understand the ongoing dynamics in the physical environment and the biogeographic dynamics within the field of the Physical Geography.

The knowledge of cartography and GIS is essential for environmental and ecosystem management, in favor of life on Earth (objective # 15 of the 2030 Agenda for the sustainable development). The course provides the elements for being able to carry out multitemporal analyzes of the physical environment, and biogeographic analyzes within the field of the Physical Geography.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905116


Quality assurance office

Education manager
Ms Gabriella Cavalli

T. +39 0521 906087
Office E.
Manager E 

President of the degree course

Prof. Alessandro Chelli


Faculty advisor

Prof. Paola Monegatti


Career guidance delegate

Prof. Emma Petrella

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Teresa Trua
