Admission procedures
The degree course in Earth Sciences does not have programmed access.
Students wishing to enrol must hold an upper secondary school diploma or other qualification obtained abroad and recognised as suitable under current legislation.
The specific scientific knowledge, including mathematical knowledge, provided by almost all secondary training courses, is deemed sufficient for enrolment in the degree course and will be verified at the beginning of the academic year (as stipulated in Art. 6 of M.D. 270/04) with a compulsory but non-selective test, success in which is not conditional on admission to the degree course. However, failure to reach the threshold set by the degree course will result in the allocation of specific additional training obligations (OFAs) to be met by compulsory participation in remedial activities and will be followed by a test. In the event of a negative outcome of this examination, the OFAs will be imposed and the student will be obliged to attend all the exercise activities offered by the degree course during the semester.