What is Tirocinio Pratico Valutativo (TPV)?
The TPV consists of 750 hours of professional training activities (corresponding to 30 University Credits) completed in certified external structures that have an official agreement with the university. TPV training cannot be completed within the structures of the university itself.
The regional Joint Committee for Professional Training (Commissione Paritetica Tirocini della Regione Emilia Romagna) recommends that the period of TPV training should have a minimum duration of 5 months and a maximum duration of one year. Trainees should work approximately 20/30 hours a week (4/5 hours per day). TPV training can be completed as follows:
- 50 hours in a single structure.
- 500 hours in one structure and 250 hours in another.
- 375 hours in one structure and 375 hours in another.