Access requirements
Enrolment in the second-cycle degree course in Planning and Management of Social Work (class LM 87 M.D. 270/04) requires possession of a first-cycle degree in Social Work Sciences (Class 6 M.D. 509/99 and equivalent) or in Social Work (class L 39 M.D. 270/04).
Graduates in Classes other than those listed above will be admitted if they have accrued in their previous Programme of Study at least a total of 60 ECTS credits in the following Academic disciplines:
Sociological disciplines SPS/07, SPS/08, SPS/09, SPS/10, SPS/12 Legal disciplines IUS/01, IUS/07, IUS/08, IUS/09, IUS/10, IUS/14, IUS/17.
Psychological disciplines M-PSI/01, M-PSI/04, M-PSI/05, M-PSI/06, M-PSI/07, M-PSI/08.
Political-economic-statistical disciplines SECS-P/01, SECS-P/02, SECS-S/05, SPS/04.
Historical-anthropological- philosophical- pedagogical disciplines M-DEA/01, M-FIL/03, M-PED/01, M-PED/04, M-STO/04, SPS/01, SPS/02 Medical disciplines MED/25, MED/42, MED/43 Language knowledge of B1 level or higher (at least 3 ECTS credits) is also required in a European Union language other than Italian.
Those with a four-year degree must submit their Programme of Study to the Teaching Commission, which will assess its congruence.
Students who have obtained a first-cycle's degree mark of less than 80/110 must undergo a preliminary examination of their personal preparation.
The test takes place after the closing of enrolment for the degree course.
An additional test, reserved for students pre-enrolled for the second-cycle degree under the condition that they obtain their first-cycle's degree in the March special graduation session, will be held immediately after finalisation of enrolment, if the student has obtained a grade below 80/110.
The test to verify the student's personal preparation consists of an oral interview aimed at ascertaining the possession of basic knowledge in:
- disciplines from the area of law; - disciplines from the area of sociology and social service; - disciplines from the area of psychology The assessment is carried out by a committee of professors/instructors appointed by the Course Council.
The outcome of the test will be recorded in a special register prepared by the Student Registry Office and communicated to the student at the end of the test.
Students who do not pass this test will be directed to fulfil additional educational obligations (OFAs) by attending supplementary and tutorial activities in November, for a minimum of 6 hours, aimed at filling the gaps revealed by the entrance test.
The same training activities will be repeated before the December examination session for students who did not take part in the cycle of activities organised in November. Prior to the summer examination session, if necessary, an additional repetition of these training activities will be reserved for any students who have finalised their enrolment in the second-cycle degree by March and have not passed the above-mentioned entrance test.
Students who have not fulfilled the additional educational obligations will not be allowed to take examinations. In addition, students who have not fulfilled their additional educational obligations by September of the year following enrolment will be able to enrol in the second year of the course, but will not be able to sit examinations before the additional training obligations have been fulfilled.