Course units and programme of study

The Programme of Study is the set of compulsory and elective courses that the student must take in order to graduate.
Submission of the Programme of Study for one's year of enrolment is compulsory and is necessary, above all, for registering for examinations and completing the teaching evaluation questionnaires.
All current students must submit their Programme of Study online via the Esse3 system The Programme of Study may differ depending on the academic year of enrolment ('cohort'); it may also provide for a choice between different curricula.
For a list of the courses that can be included in the Programme of Study, select the academic year of enrolment and, if available, the Programme of Study.
Search the Programme of Study

List of courses

How the programme of study works

The list of courses in the Programme of Study represents the set of training activities that can be envisaged for each of the years of which the degree course consists and changes according to the year in which the student enrols. Free or restricted-choice course units are optional learning activities that students may include in their Programme of Study according to the choice criteria specified on this page; the remaining course units are compulsory for all students.
The Programme of Study must be submitted online by the student for each year using the ESSE3 system (see dedicated section).
Students are allowed to submit their own Programme of Study with options other than those presented on this page (and available in ESSE3), as long as it is consistent with achieving the course's educational objectives. In that case, the plan must be submitted to the Course Council for approval.

Free-choice courses for the student

These are courses that students can freely choose to take the 6 ECTS credits in TAF D (free credits). The choice can be made between several types:

  1. training activities offered by the degree course: students identify a Course unit and may include it in their Programme of Study without requesting any authorisation. The list of course units is published each year in the Course Catalogue.
  2. cross-curricular activities: students may freely choose one or more of these courses, either as curricular credits (TAF D elective courses) or as supernumerary credits;
  3. educational activities offered by other degree courses of the University: students may freely choose activities or lectures offered by other Departments of the University, not less than 6 ECTS credits, and may include them in their Programme of Study without requesting any authorisation;
  4. Free participation activities: these are sports, cultural and social credits. No approval is required for these activities, but students are invited to read the Regulation for "free participation activities" before making their choice;
  5. National Civil Service: Students who have performed National Civil Service and expressly request it at 6 ECTS credits may be recognised as an activity chosen by the student.

The student may also obtain recognition of other previous training activities, previously authorised by the Teaching Commission, that he/she considers suitable for completing his/her training by submitting a request to the Teaching Commission using the e-mail address

Students wishing to address the Teaching Commission are invited to submit their request by taking into account the "DIDACTIC COMMISSION MEETING CALENDAR". 


NB If, following the closure of the compilation of the Programme of Study, the student needs to change his or her choice and cannot wait for the reopening of the Programme of Study, he or she must submit a request for approval to the Teaching Commission ( and obtain authorisation.

Online completion of the Programme of Study - ESSE3

Every year, within a set period, regularly enrolled students (not outside prescribed time for course completion) must fill in their Programme of Study for their year in Esse3.

The online submission of the Programme of Study is compulsory and is necessary, above all, for registering for examinations and for completing the teaching evaluation questionnaires.

 Compilation periods

For the a.y. 2023/2024 the Programme of Study was completed online in the period:

  • from 07/10/2024 to 06/12/2024
  • from 10/03/2025 to 22/05/2025 (for those who failed to submit their Programme of Study in the first period or for those who want to make changes)


Procedure and compilation guide

The procedure for compiling the Programme of Study is as follows:

  • Link to the page;
  • From the top right menu (3 white lines) click on LOGIN and enter your username ( and the password;
  • Again from the menu, click on the item PROGRAMME OF STUDY (Career Plan)
  • First-year students: click on NEW PLAN
  • Second- and third-year students: click on the PLAN CHANGE button (at the bottom of the page, below the previous years' courses)
  • Read and follow the instructions by moving from one rule to the next with the Next Rule button until you reach the last rule.
  • Finally, fill in the satisfaction questionnaire.

>> Detailed guide for compiling the Programme of Study on Esse3

Indications for students outside prescribed term for course completion

Students outside prescribed term for course completion, if they wish to change to an activity of their choice, will have to enrol in the 2nd year as REPEATING students.

This means that:

  •  the repeating student will have to wait until the first useful session of the academic year (July) in order to graduate;
  •  as in other years, before taking the examination of new courses, the student must acquire attendance (i.e. wait until the end of the semester of the course in order to take the examination);
  •  the student will be enrolled in the current system for second-year students. Thus, the student will have to follow a new order, with the obligation to take core examinations not provided for in their original order.

STUDENTS OUTSIDE PRESCRIBED TERM FOR COURSE COMPLETION Students outside prescribed term for course completion may NOT complete the Programme of Study online.

See rule described in the notice above.

STUDENTS UNDER CONDITION Students enrolled under condition may NOT submit their Programme of Study either online or on paper.


Who to contact

For any problems with Programme of Studies (e.g. registration with exams taken elsewhere, inability to complete the programme) and student careers (e.g. curricular activities that have not been recognised officially) please contact the Student registry office (Strada del Prato 4/1A). E-mail:  .

For advice on online compilation, please contact the Quality Assurance Office (Via Università, 7). E-mail: