
The University of Parma promotes curricular traineeships in order to facilitate professional choices through direct knowledge of the world of work and the realisation of moments of alternation between study and work.

The curricular internship integrates and completes the student's training pathway through the performance of practical activities which, in accordance with the provisions of the Didactic Regulations of their course of study, may be carried out in facilities within the University or externally at qualified public and private organizations with which the University has entered into appropriate agreements.

The internship involves three subjects: the student student, the promoter (the University of Parma) and the host (company or organization) where the activity is carried out under the guidance of a university tutor, a University instructor and a company tutor.

The curricular internship does not constitute a prerequisite for an employment relationship between the trainee and the host structure, nor can it be a substitute for company labour or professional services.


Traineeships are subdivided into 'Curricular Traineeships', i.e. training periods carried out by students in companies or at University Departments as part of their programme of study, and 'Extracurricular Traineeships', i.e. training periods reserved for graduates within twelve months of obtaining their academic degree.

All information on traineeships can be found on the following pages:


Numero verde

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti

E. segreteria.ingarc@unipr.it

Servizio per la qualità della didattica

Manager della didattica: 
Ilaria Magnati
T.+39 0521 906538
E. servizio disti.didattica@unipr.it
E. del manager ilaria.magnati@unipr.it


Presidente del corso di studio

Giuseppe Vignali
E. giuseppe.vignali@unipr.it

Delegato orientamento in ingresso

Andrea Volpi
E. andrea.volpi@unipr.it

Delegato orientamento in uscita

Paolo Casoli
E. paolo.casoli@unipr.it

Docenti tutor

Giuseppe Vignali
E. giuseppe.vignali@unipr.it
Mirko Morini
E. mirko.morini@unipr.it

Delegati Erasmus

Roberto Montanari
E. roberto.montanari@unipr.it
Fabrizio Moroni
E. fabrizio.moroni@unipr.it
Adrian Hugh Alexander Lutey
E. adrianhughalexander.lutey@unipr.it

Responsabile assicurazione qualità

Luca Cattani
E. luca.cattani1@unipr.it

Studenti tutor

Roberta Stefanini
E. roberta.stefanini@unipr.it