Learning objectives
This course aims at providing theoretical and practical tools for the design of the dynamics of automotive mechanical systems.
Course unit content
1. Mathematical and computer science background
Definitions and operations with vectors and matrices; Matlab;
2. Description of the kinematics
Reference systems; Linear position; Linear speed; Rotation matrices; Euler angles; Kinematics of rotation; Kinematic constraints for ground vehicles;
3. Internal and external forces
Internal springs and dumpers; Aerodynamics; Gravity; Wheel Forces;
4. Description of the dynamics
Euler Lagrange equations; Kinetic Energy; Potential Energy; Derivation of the equation of the dynamics of ground vehicles; Definition of the oriented system; State space representation;
Mathematical background
[1] Meyer, Carl D. Matrix analysis and applied linear algebra. Vol. 71. Siam, 2000.
Description of the kinematics
[1] Beatty M.F. (1986) Kinematics of Rigid Body Motion. In: Principles of Engineering Mechanics. Mathematical Concepts and Methods in Science and Engineering, vol 32. Springer, Boston, MA
[2] Gross D., Ehlers W., Wriggers P., Schröder J., Müller R. (2017) Kinematics of Rigid Bodies. In: Dynamics – Formulas and Problems. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
[3] Waldron K.J., Schmiedeler J. (2016) Kinematics. In: Siciliano B., Khatib O. (eds) Springer Handbook of Robotics. Springer Handbooks. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-32552-1_2
[4] Olguin Diaz, Ernesto (2019) 3D Motion of Rigid Bodies: A Foundation for Robot Dynamics Analysis. Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-04275-2
Internal and external forces
[1] Gillespie, Thomas D. Fundamentals of vehicle dynamics. Vol. 400. Warrendale, PA: Society of automotive engineers, 1992.
[2] Milliken, William F., and Douglas L. Milliken. Race car vehicle dynamics. Vol. 400. Warrendale: Society of Automotive Engineers, 1995.
Description of the dynamics
[1] Gelfand, Izrail Moiseevitch, and Richard A. Silverman. Calculus of variations. Courier Corporation, 2000.
[2] Amirouche, Farid. Fundamentals of multibody dynamics: theory and applications. Springer Science & Business Media, 2007.
[3] Friedland, Bernard. Control system design: an introduction to state-space methods. Courier Corporation, 2012.
[4] Pila, Aron Wolf (2020) Introduction To Lagrangian Dynamics. Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-22378-6
Teaching methods
Blackboard, Electronic Board, Microsoft Teams, Computer Simulations
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam consists of a group (max 3 students) project in which the students model the dynamics of an automotive system. The group must provide a technical report and the simulator on which the proposed solution is tested. The project is developed in tight collaboration with the teacher in agreement with a recursive "submit and review" process.
The exam is a satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading.
To pass the exam the students must know the good practices to model the dynamics of automotive systems.
Attendance is not necessary to take the exam.