Lectures timetable
Classes of the 1st year of the Master Degree in Electronic Engineering for Intelligent Vehicles will be held at the University of Bologna. The course timetable is available at the link https://corsi.unibo.it/2cycle/ElectronicEngineeringIntelligentVehicles/timetable
Classes of the 2nd year of ECS curriculum will be held at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. The course timetable is available at the link https://www.ingmo.unimore.it/it/didattica/organizzazione-didattica/orario-delle-lezioni
Classes of the 2nd year of ADE curriculum will be held at the University of Parma. Students can consult the class schedule on the University's Student Agenda portal.
Toll-free number
800 904 084Student registry office
Quality assurance office
Education manager:
Office E. dia.didattica@unipr.it
Manager E.
President of the degree course
E. massimo.bertozzi@unipr.it
Faculty advisor
Prof. Letizia Marchegiani
E. letizia.marchegiani@unipr.it
Career guidance delegate
Prof. Letizia Marchegiani
E. letizia.marchegiani@unipr.it
Tutor professor
Prof. Nicola Mimmo (UNIBO)
E. nicola.mimmo2@unibo.it
Prof. Riccardo Rovatti (UNIBO)
E. riccardo.rovatti@unibo.it
Erasmus delegates
to be determined
Quality assurance manager
Prof. Nicola Mimmo (UNIBO)
E. nicola.mimmo2@unibo.it
Prof. Alessandro Chini (UNIMORE)
E. alessandro.chini@unimore.it
Prof. Gaetano Bellanca (UNIFE)
E. gaetano.bellanca@unife.it
Prof.ssa Annamaria Cucinotta (UNIPR)
E. annamaria.cucinotta@unipr.it
Prof. Nicola Mimmo (UNIBO)
E. nicola.mimmo2@unibo.it
Prof. Paolo Pavan (UNIMORE)
E. paolo.pavan@unimore.it
Prof. Riccardo Rovatti (UNIBO)
E. riccardo.rovatti@unibo.it
Tutor students
to be determined