cod. 1011537

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - First semester
Cecilia METRA
Academic discipline
Elettronica (ING-INF/01)
Ingegneria elettronica
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: UNIBO
course unit

Integrated course unit module: TEST, DIAGNOSIS AND RELIABILITY

Learning objectives

The course will first address the problem of fault modeling, with reference to the automotive environment, to then study testing, design for testability and hardware in the loop approaches. Then, onboard monitoring and diagnosis will be addressed, to finally study fault tolerant techniques for reliable systems’ design. The course will include laboratory experiences, and possible seminars given by experts in the field from the industrial world.


Basic concepts of digital electronics.

Course unit content

Introduction to Digital Circuit and Systems' Testing:

Definitions and motivations;
Position within the VLSI process;
Yield and production cost of an IC;
Some example of testing process: Characterization Testing; Manufacturing Testing; Burn-in; Incoming Inspection.

Fault Models:

Stuck-At Faults (SAs): Basics on Testing for SAs;
Fault Equivalence and Fault Collapsing;
Fault Dominance and Fault Collapsing;
Stuck-Open Faults: Possible Testing;
Stuck-On Faults: Possible Testing;
Bridging Faults;
Delay Faults;
Crosstalk Faults;
Transient Faults.

Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG):

ATPG Algebras;
Exhaustive Algorithms;
Random Algorithms;
Path Sensitization;
Fault Coverage and Test Efficiency.

Automatic Test Equipment (ATE):

Components and Specification;

Fault Diagnosis:

Definitions and Motivations;
Fault Dictionary;
Diagnostic Tree.

Design for Testability (DFT) Techniques and Hardware in the Loop Approaches:

Ad-Hoc and Structural Methods;
Full Scan;
Partial Scan;
Boundary Scan;
Built-In-Self Test (BIST);
Hardware in the loop approaches.

Fault-Tolerant Techniques:

Introduction, Motivations, Applications.

Modular Redundancy:

Basic Strategy;
Voter Design and Reliability;
Common Mode Failures;
Diagnosis of Faulty Modules.

On-Line Testing and Recovery:
Duplication and Comparison;
Self Checking Circuits: Properties; Fault Hypothesis; Design of Self Checking Functional Blocks; Design of Checkers; Error Indicators; Error Detecting Codes: Berger Codes (Theory and Checker Design); Parity Codes (Theory and Checker Design); m-out-of-n Codes (Theory and Checker Design)

Recovery Techniques: Roll Back and Retry; Reconfiguration

Error Correcting Codes: Introduction to Linear Parity Check Codes; Single Error Correction Hamming Codes; Single Error Correction/Double Error Detection Hsiao Codes; Encoding and Decoding Circuits.

The course includes practice sessions in laboratories on:

Electrical level simulations of resistive bridging faults, crosstalk faults and transient faults, and analysis of their effects in some circuits of interest

Full programme

Introduction to Digital Circuit and Systems' Testing:

Definitions and motivations;
Position within the VLSI process;
Yield and production cost of an IC;
Some example of testing process: Characterization Testing; Manufacturing Testing; Burn-in; Incoming Inspection.

Fault Models:

Stuck-At Faults (SAs): Basics on Testing for SAs;
Fault Equivalence and Fault Collapsing;
Fault Dominance and Fault Collapsing;
Stuck-Open Faults: Possible Testing;
Stuck-On Faults: Possible Testing;
Bridging Faults;
Delay Faults;
Crosstalk Faults;
Transient Faults.

Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG):

ATPG Algebras;
Exhaustive Algorithms;
Random Algorithms;
Path Sensitization;
Fault Coverage and Test Efficiency.

Automatic Test Equipment (ATE):

Components and Specification;

Fault Diagnosis:

Definitions and Motivations;
Fault Dictionary;
Diagnostic Tree.

Design for Testability (DFT) Techniques and Hardware in the Loop Approaches:

Ad-Hoc and Structural Methods;
Full Scan;
Partial Scan;
Boundary Scan;
Built-In-Self Test (BIST);
Hardware in the loop approaches.

Fault-Tolerant Techniques:

Introduction, Motivations, Applications.

Modular Redundancy:

Basic Strategy;
Voter Design and Reliability;
Common Mode Failures;
Diagnosis of Faulty Modules.

On-Line Testing and Recovery:
Duplication and Comparison;
Self Checking Circuits: Properties; Fault Hypothesis; Design of Self Checking Functional Blocks; Design of Checkers; Error Indicators; Error Detecting Codes: Berger Codes (Theory and Checker Design); Parity Codes (Theory and Checker Design); m-out-of-n Codes (Theory and Checker Design)

Recovery Techniques: Roll Back and Retry; Reconfiguration

Error Correcting Codes: Introduction to Linear Parity Check Codes; Single Error Correction Hamming Codes; Single Error Correction/Double Error Detection Hsiao Codes; Encoding and Decoding Circuits.

The course includes practice sessions in laboratories on:

Electrical level simulations of resistive bridging faults, crosstalk faults and transient faults, and analysis of their effects in some circuits of interest


J. Segura C. F. Hawkins, “CMOS Electronics – How It Works, How It Fails” IEEE Press – Wiley, 2004.

M. L. Bushnell, V. D. Agrawal, “Essential of Electronic Testing”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000

M. Abramovici, M. A. Bruer, A. D. Friedman, “Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design”, Computer Science Press, 1990

S. Mourad, Y. Zorian, “Principles of Testing Electronic Systems”, Essential of Electronic Testing”,Wiley, 2000

N. K. Jha, S. Kundu, “Testing and Reliable Design of CMOS Circuits”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990

P. K. Lala, “Self-Checking and Fault Tolerant Digital Design”, Morgan Caufmann Publ, 2001

Teaching methods

Lessons in the classroom and computer exercises performed in laboratory.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination. Questions will cover any topic addressed in class and in the laboratory. Specific questions may follow aimed at verifying the understanding of specific issues inherent to the topics covered in the course. The final grade will be formulated based on the answers provided to the asked questions.

Other information

Slides used during classes will be made available to the students. The course will include some seminars from industrial experts in the field.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.ingarc@unipr.it

Quality assurance office

Education manager:

Office E. dia.didattica@unipr.it
Manager E. 


President of the degree course

Prof. Massimo Bertozzi
E. massimo.bertozzi@unipr.it

Faculty advisor

Prof. Letizia Marchegiani
E. letizia.marchegiani@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Letizia Marchegiani
E. letizia.marchegiani@unipr.it

Tutor professor

Prof. Nicola Mimmo (UNIBO)
E. nicola.mimmo2@unibo.it
Prof. Riccardo Rovatti (UNIBO)
E. riccardo.rovatti@unibo.it

Erasmus delegates

to be determined

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Nicola Mimmo (UNIBO)
E. nicola.mimmo2@unibo.it


Prof. Alessandro Chini (UNIMORE)
E. alessandro.chini@unimore.it
Prof. Gaetano Bellanca (UNIFE)
E. gaetano.bellanca@unife.it
Prof.ssa Annamaria Cucinotta (UNIPR)
E. annamaria.cucinotta@unipr.it
Prof. Nicola Mimmo (UNIBO)
E. nicola.mimmo2@unibo.it
Prof. Paolo Pavan (UNIMORE)
E. paolo.pavan@unimore.it
Prof. Riccardo Rovatti (UNIBO)
E. riccardo.rovatti@unibo.it

Tutor students

to be determined