cod. 1009046

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Scienze tecniche dietetiche applicate (MED/49)
Discipline della nutrizione umana
Type of training activity
55 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: HUMAN NUTRITION

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
Acquisition of:
• The skills to conceive and evaluate nutrition studies.
• The skills to analyse and evaluate nutrition scientific data.
• The skills to evaluate the properties of a functional food and knowledge of the legislation linked to claims on foods and novel foods.
• The skills to understand and apply the concepts of personalized nutrition and inter-individual variability in response to the diet.

• The skills to understand the issues of public health nutrition, including the factors that link human nutrition to the concept sustainability and including nutrition education at population level.
Knowledge and understanding applied

• Apply the acquired knowledge in the framework of applied human nutrition and of nutrition research.

Judgment autonomy
• Autonomously evaluate a nutrition strategy.

• Autonomously evaluate the validity of nutrition research.

• Autonomously evaluate a nutrition strategy in the framework of public health.

Communication skills
• Have the ability to synthesize information and communicate it effectively to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.

Learning skills
• Develop skills and methodology that allow you to study in a highly autonomous way.


Applied knowledge and understanding:
• Apply the acquired knowledge in the framework of applied human nutrition;
• Understand data obtained from individual anthropometric evaluation;
• Autonomously prepare a dietary plan.

Judgment autonomy
• Develop the ability to evaluate the nutritional status of individuals, to evaluate the nutritional composition of diets, and to plan the most appropriate dietary prescription based on the nutritional needs.

Learning skills
• Develop skills and methodology that allow you to evaluate the nutritional status of individuals in a highly autonomous way.


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Course unit content

• Principles of Human Nutrition Research
• Functional Foods, Nutrition and Health Claims, Novel Foods.
• Principles of personalised nutrition
• Principles of Public Health Nutrition

• Practical evaluation of the nutritional status through the main clinical instruments (basic anthropometric measurements, as body weight, and height, and body circumferences, plicometry, bioimpedance analysis).
• Assessment of food intake and development of personalized dietary plan through professional software.

Full programme

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Lovegrove J et al. “Nutrition Research Methodologies” (Nutrition Society)
Butriss et al. “Public Health Nutrition” (Wiley).
Up to date scientific literature

Teaching methods

Lectures organized in order to involve students. The slides used to support lessons, as an integral part of the teaching material, will be provided directly to the students and uploaded on the Elly platform.

Practical workshops involving students in small groups.
The slides used to support lessons, as an integral part of the teaching material, will be provided directly to the students and uploaded on the Elly platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination.
Scale of assessment: 0-30
Evaluation criteria:
• Acquired knowledge
• Ability to apply the acquired knowledge and to make connections between the covered topics
• capacity to communicate concepts through the use of the specific language of the discipline.
A case study work and presentation on a topic linked to the course) up to 5 additional points).

Evaluation of student participation to the proposed activities and evaluation of the knowledge of the topic covered in the laboratory activities through a presentation in which the student will present the activities carried out, the collected data and will critically comment the results obtained.
The grade, on a scale of assessment from -2 to +2, will be integrated within the evaluation of the entire module of the Fundamentals of Applied Nutrition and Evaluation of the Nutritional Status.

Other information

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