Transfers and course transitions

A student enrolled at another university who wishes to study at our university or who is enrolled at this university and wishes to study elsewhere may apply for a transfer. In the first case it is an incoming transfer, in the second an outgoing transfer.
If the student is enrolled at this University, but wishes to change degree course, he/she may apply for a change of course. A student who has enrolled in a given academic year may apply, by the deadline for the second instalment of fees and without any charge, for an option to another course of study. After this date, the option is no longer allowed and it is necessary to apply for a change of course.
Transfers and transitions to the first year of the course are not permitted.
For enrolments to the second year, the student must verify that he/she has obtained a minimum of 40 ECTS credits as resulting from his/her previous career, related to first-year teaching (TAF B,C). To this end, the Course Council will assess the possible recognition of all or part of the study career followed up to that point, with the validation of examinations taken and credits acquired. Applications must be submitted by 30 September  as indicated above.

Validation and recognition of examinations a.y. 2024-2025

Only exams taken in a master's or single-cycle degree course may be subject to verification for possible validation / recognition.

Exams that have been used to achieve the curricular requirements for access to the degree program are not recognized, nor are exams taken in three-year degree courses.

Exams validations / acknowledgments of the previous master's academic career can only be requested by students already enrolled / enrolled in the study course, for the year of the course they intend to enroll in (a student enrolled in the 1st year can request the validation of exams of the 1st year and may request the validation of 2nd year exams the following year).


Requests to validate exams from previous master's career must be filed in Elly - LM SNU in the section dedicated to student requests: 

drawn up on the "Request for exam validation" form available in Elly and filed in the "Student questions" section in the Elly section referred to in the link above, complete with the following attachments:

- declaration / s in lieu of certifications of the master's or single-cycle master's degree course which includes the exams taken for which validation is requested, with the indication for each exam of the grade and scientific disciplinary sector SSD. The declarations must be signed and dated. They can usually be downloaded from the computer system of the university of origin or, if this is not possible, drawn up according to the following form of substitutive certification declaration;

- exam programs for which validation is requested

Applications with attachments must be filed by the deadline of 18 March 2025.

The internal didactic commission will evaluate the requests and will communicate the result through the student secretariat.



Students enrolled in the 2nd year in possession of an externally acquired B2 English certification must consult the website of the CLA (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo) - ​​and in particular at this link: 
where you will find the list of recognized external certifications.
At this link instead you will find the methods of recognition of external certifications:

Students enrolled in the 2nd year who have taken an English B2 exam in a previous university course will have to send the request for validation / recognition to the internal teaching commission of the course of study, by filling in the "Exam validation request form" and depositing it in the section "Student application filing".

The student secretariat will communicate the result via email.