cod. 1010914

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Psicologia clinica (M-PSI/08)
Psicologia dinamica e clinica
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Acquisition of the main methods for orienting the clinical psychological treatments with children, adolescents and their families. Getting a basic knowledge of psychological consultation and an overview of the different psychotherapeutic settings as well as their combinations and criteria of choice.


Basic knowledge of developmental psychology, dynamic psychology, psychopathology of childhood and adolescence

Course unit content

The course will propose a study of the clinical psychology of childhood and adolescence and will extend its analysis to other complementary disciplines. It will then deal with the methods and the settings characterizing the psychological treatment with children, adolescents, young adults in different steps of their development in their families.
In particular we will deal with the psychological consultation and the main settings of psychotherapy .

Full programme

- Clinical psychological consultation with children, adolescents and young adults and their families: general and specific aspects.
-Main settings of psychotherapy (individual, family, groups) and their combinations.
- Collaboration with other operative units.


1. Altman N.- Briggs R. – Frankel J. – Gensler D. – Pantone P (2005). Psicoterapia
Relazionale con i bambini pp: 88-96, 113-254, 283-355. Astrolabio, Roma

2. Sameroff A-J., MCDonough S.C., Rosenblum K.L. (a cura di) (2006). Il trattamento clinico della relazione genitore - bambino, Il Mulino, Bologna. pp 127-145, 153-182. This material will be share on Elly.
3. Vanni F. (a cura di) (2016) Clinica psicoanalitica della relazione con l'adolescente, Franco Angeli, Milano (fino a pag. 175)
Un testo a scelta fra i seguenti:
- Vanni F. (2015) La consultazione psicologica con l'adolescente, Franco Angeli, Milano
- Vanni F. (2009) (a cura di) Giovani in Pronto Soccorso, FrancoAngeli, Milano
- Vanni F. (2017) (a cura di) Come out: intercettare, orientare ed includere adolescenti difficili nel processo di cura
- Monguzzi F. (2015) Le ferite della genitorialità, FrancoAngeli, Milano
- Lancini M, Madeddu F (2014) Giovane Adulto, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, cap. 2,4,5 e 6
- Bignamini S. e Buday E. (2023) 'Adolescenti Fluidi', FrancoAngeli, Milano
- Crocetti G. e Agosta R. (2007) (a cura di) Preadolescenza. Il bambino caduto dalle fiabe. Teoria clinica e prassi psicoterapeutica, Pendragon. Capitoli 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,11
- Linee d’indirizzo APA
- Righetti, P.L. e Luisi, S. (2007). La procreazione assistita. Aspetti psicologici e medici. Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, da pag. 17 a pag. 203
- Negri, R. (2012). Il neonato in terapia intensiva. Un modello neuropsicoanalitico di prevenzione. Raffaello Cortina, Milano. Capp 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10
- Vallino D. (2019) Fare psicoanalisi con genitori e bambini: la consultazione partecipata, Mimesis. pp- 53-210.
- Andolfi M.(2010) (a cura di). Il bambino nella terapia familiare. FrancoAngeli, Milano.

- Lupoi S., Corsello A.,Pedi S., (2014). Curare giocando, giocare curando. La famiglia, i bambini, i terapeuti. FrancoAngeli, Milano.

Teaching methods

Group discussion of proposed stymulus, lessons, videos.
Lectures will be held on-site in compliance with safety standards, provided that further instructions on the ongoing health emergency are not implemented.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written and oral examination. The oral exam will only take place if the score of the written exam exceeds 18/30.
The written examination (30') consists of 10 multiple choise questions (3 options: -1, 0 or +2) and 2 open questions with 0-3 points of score each one on examinations books n. 1, 2 and 3.
The oral exam will mainly take place on the text of your choice.

Other information