cod. 1009672

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Lingua e traduzione - lingua spagnola (L-LIN/07)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives


1. Knowledge and ability to understand the basic concepts relating to learning of specialised iconic texts;
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding to production in Spanish; ability to identify problems for images translation, to apply the knowledge learned to the rendering of the language text and to justify one's choices critically;
3. Autonomy of judgement and capacity for critical analysis through metalinguistic, contrastive, Spanish-Italian reflection;
4. Communicative skills through the use of appropriate lexical units according to the linguistic varieties under consideration;
5. Learning ability: ability to develop autonomously the knowledge acquired through the analysis of iconic texts and materials covered in the lessons and to deepen these themes.

At the end of the course the student:
He will have improved and perfected his language skills and improved his ability to interpret, process and produce texts of specialized content, with particular reference to the historical-cultural, linguistic and technological field.


The level of competence required is B2/B2+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, in Spanish.

Course unit content

The course aims to provide basic knowledge on how to make visual content accessible to users with sensory disabilities, more specifically, to visually impaired or blind people and in general, to all types of audiences. Audio description consists of verbalizing an iconic content through its semiotic analysis. The result will be a text that, depending on the object to which it is applied, will be transformed into a pre-recorded audio track or broadcast live. The specific objective of the course in the first part is to introduce the student to the audio description modality and to show different possibilities of application. In the second part, the theoretical knowledge will be deepened and contrastive analysis and accessible interpretation of a specific film product will be added.

Full programme

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Students have to study the following materials:

-Orero, P. (2005). “La inclusión de la accesibilidad en comunicación audiovisual dentro de los estudios de traducción audiovisual”. Quaderns. Revista de traducció 12, pp. 173-185.
-Díaz Cintas, Jorge (2007). “Traducción audiovisual y accesibilidad”. C. Jiménez Hurtado (Ed.), Traducción y accesibilidad. Subtitulación para sordos y audiodescriptción para ciegos: Nuevas modalidades de traducción audiovisual,). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 9-23.
-Díaz Cintas, Jorge (2010). "La Accesibilidad a los medios de comunicación audiovisual a través del subtitulado y de la audiodescripción". El español, lengua de traducción para la cooperación y el diálogo, Instituto Cervantes, 157-180.
-Sanz-Moreno, Raquel (2018). “El uso de extranjerismos en audiodescripción. La opinión de los usuarios”. Parallèles – numéro 30(2), 53-69.
-Yuste Frías, José (2008). “Pensar en traducir la imagen en publicidad: el sentido de la mirada”. Pensar la Publicidad, vol. II, nº 1, 141-170
-Valero Gisbert, M.J. (2021). La Audiodescripción: de la imagen a la palabra. Traducción intersemiótica de un texto multimodal. Bologna, Clueb. ISBN è 978-88-491-5711-6.
-Valero Gisbert, M.J (2012). La intertextualidad fílmica en la audiodescripción (AD). INTRALINEA ON LINE TRANSLATION JOURNAL, vol. 14, ISSN: 1827-000X.
- Asiáin Ansorena, Alfredo (2016). “Multimodalidad y Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial (PCI). Huarte de San Juan: Filología y Didáctica de la Lengua, nº 16, pp. 111-136.

Reference text:
San Vicente, F (dir. y coord.) Gramática de referencia para italófonos, Gramática Contrastiva de Referencia. Español para italófonos, III vol. © 2015 by CLUEB, Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice Bologna, © 2015 by EUS EDICIONES UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA, pp. 1465-1476, ISBN 978-88-491-3902-

Other references:
Corripio, Fernando, Diccionario de ideas afines, Barcelona, Herder, 2007.
Moliner, María, Diccionario de uso del español, 2 tt., Madrid, Gredos, ultima edizione.
R.A.E., Diccionario de la lengua española, Madrid, Espasa-Calpe,
Seco, Manuel; Andrés, Olimpia; Ramos, Gabino, Diccionario del español actual, Madrid, Aguilar, 1999.
Seco, Manuel, Diccionario de dudas y dificultades de la lengua española, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 19989.
R.A.E., Ortografía de la lengua española. Edición revisada por las Academias de la Lengua Española, 2010.

Teaching methods

The course will take place through theoretical lectures and practical exercises in the classroom. Analysis of case studies. Self-learning activities are available to attend in the language laboratory located in Viale San Michele 9 with materials selected by the teachers of Spanish.
In order to facilitate the learning process of all students, the teaching material will include the video-recording of the lessons or other equivalent audio-video material which will be available on the ELLY platform for 15 days.

Students will also be required to attend practical language lessons held by Spanish language assistants throughout the whole academic year aimed at consolidating students’ language skills to a C1+ level of the Common European Framework of Reference.

Assessment methods and criteria

For attending students, the assessment is based on:
A) PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES, which consist of tasks based on the contents of the module and to be completed during the lesson period,
B) ORAL EXAMINATION. The student must recognize the different text types and the formal questions related to the linguistic phenomenon under examination. The questions also aim to verify the knowledge of the topics covered as well as the ability to apply it.
Both the ongoing and final assessments will be in Spanish and will be organised by combining an oral discussion on the topics, materials, data and methods covered throughout the course.
For non-attending students, the assessment is based on:
A) PROJECT (essay or practical activity based on the contents of the module) to hand in before the oral examination.
B) ORAL EXAMINATION. The student must recognize the different text types and the formal questions related to the linguistic phenomenon under examination. The questions also aim to verify the knowledge of the topics covered as well as the ability to apply it.
Both the ongoing and final assessments will be in Spanish and will be organised by combining an oral discussion on the topics, materials, data and methods covered throughout the course.
To be eligible for the oral examination, students must have obtained a sufficient evaluation in the Spanish language proficiency test (Level I). An insufficient evaluation in the language proficiency test does not permit access to the oral examination.

For attending students, the final mark is the result of the scores obtained as follows: active participation during classes and practical activities (40%), oral examination (60%).

For non-attending students, the final mark is the result of the scores obtained as follows: project (40%), oral examination (60%).

The threshold of insufficiency is determined by the lack of knowledge of the contents, by an inadequate use of the specific language, by a processing without logical and expository rigor and by the inability to express oneself in a Spanish corresponding to level C1 +. The sufficient threshold (18-23 / 30) is determined by a partial knowledge of the contents and a minimum ability to apply and / or re-elaborate them as well as the demonstration of having a linguistic level with characteristic traits of level C1 +. An evaluation between 24-27 / 30 and 26-27 / 30 is achieved thanks to a fair / good knowledge of the contents, demonstrating application skills, articulated exposure and an adequate use of the specific language. The highest threshold (from 28/30 to 30/30 cum laude) is obtained when it proves to have excellent knowledge of the contents, autonomous, original and creative applications.

Other information

The course will be held in the first semester.

For the course will be made available in pdf format or otherwise made available, if downloadable open access, all the necessary materials. For this purpose they will be uploaded on the dedicated page of the ELLY university platform:

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office 

T. +39 0521 033707

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Dott.ssa Giuditta Diroma
T. +39 0521 032355
Office E.
Manager E.

President of the degree course

Prof. Michele Daloiso

Faculty advisor

Prof.ssa Nicoletta Cabassi

Career guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Nicoletta Cabassi

Tutor Professors

Prof. Michele Daloiso

Prof. Marco Mezzadri

Prof.ssa Micol Beseghi

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Micol Beseghi (Referente)

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Simonetta Anna Valenti


Prof.ssa Chiara Denti

Tutor students

Elena Lebedeva

Polina Kurokhtina