Entrance Requirements


In this section you can find all the necessary information regarding the admissions criteria needed for enrolment on this degree course.


Students who meet the following criteria may enrol directly on the course:

  • Holders of an Italian Bachelor’s degree from one of the following classes: L-11 (Lingue e Culture Moderne), L-12 (Mediazione Linguistica), L-10 (Lettere), or equivalent qualifications from previous classifications.
  • A language proficiency level in English equal or superior to B2+/C1, as attested by either the attainment of 18 credits (CFU) in Lingua e Traduzione Inglese (sector L-LIN/12) during a Bachelor’s degree or one of the following international language certifications: IELTS (minimum score: 6.5), TOEFL (minimum score: 79), or CAE.

Students who hold Bachelor’s degrees from classes other than those listed previously may also be admitted to the course, provided that they have obtained at least 6 CFU in the sectors L-LIN/01 (Glottologia e Linguistica) or L-LIN/02 (Didattica delle Lingue Moderne), and at least 18 CFU in L-LIN/12 (Lingua Inglese - Lingua e Traduzione) or one of the international certifications outlined above.

As regards the “Second Foreign Language” programme, this degree course offers the possibility of studying French, Spanish, German, or Russian. Applicants who wish to study French, Spanish, or German must possess a language proficiency level of B2+/C1. For Russian, applicants must possess a language proficiency level of B1+/B2. This can be demonstrated through the presentation of an appropriate international language certification. Students who hold Bachelor’s degrees from the classes L-11 or L-12 (or an equivalent international qualification) can demonstrate their language proficiency through the attainment of at least 18 CFU in one of the following sectors: L-LIN/04 (Lingua Francese - Lingua e Traduzione), L-LIN/07 (Lingua Spagnola - Lingua e Traduzione), L-LIN/14 (Lingua Tedesca - Lingua e Traduzione), L-LIN/21 (Slavistica).

As regards the “Teaching Italian as an L1/L2” programme, candidates are not required to provide any additional documentation other than a Bachelor’s degree obtained in Italy.

Students from Italy who are not in possession of a Bachelor’s degree at the moment of their application must follow the pre-enrolment procedure (preiscrizione) and finalise their enrolment after obtaining their qualification. The deadlines for pre-enrolment and enrolment can be found on the university web page: www.unipr.it


International students with the following characteristics may enrol on this Master’s degree:

  • Holders of degrees in the areas of Linguistics, Foreign Languages, or Humanities.
  • A language proficiency level in English equal or superior to B2+/C1, as attested by one of the following international language certifications: IELTS (minimum score: 6.5), TOEFL (minimum score: 79), or CAE.

As regards the “Second Foreign Language” programme, this degree course offers the possibility of studying French, Spanish, German, or Russian. Applicants who wish to study French, Spanish, or German must possess a language proficiency level of B2+/C1. For Russian, applicants must possess a language proficiency level of B1+/B2. This must be demonstrated through the presentation of an appropriate international language certification.

As regards the “Italian Language and Culture for International Students” programme, candidates are not required to possess any knowledge of the Italian language.

In addition to the assessment of the documentation provided by candidates, the admissions board may also require applicants to participate in an interview aimed at ascertaining their language, cultural, and discipline-specific competencies.

Applicants from within the EU may begin the pre-admissions procedure by compiling the module found at the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/3dgkgEnTes?origin=lprLink.

Applicants from outside the EU may begin the pre-admissions procedure by compiling the following form: https://www.idem.unipr.it/index.php?id=pre_admission_tri&start.


For any further details, do not hesitate to contact admission.linguistics@unipr.it


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office 

E. segreteria.corsiumanistici@unipr.it  
T. +39 0521 033707

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Dott.ssa Giuditta Diroma
T. +39 0521 032355
Office E. linguistics@unipr.it
Manager E. giuditta.diroma@unipr.it

President of the degree course

Prof. Michele Daloiso
E. michele.daloiso@unipr.it

Faculty advisor

Prof.ssa Nicoletta Cabassi
E. nicoletta.cabassi@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Nicoletta Cabassi
E. nicoletta.cabassi@unipr.it

Tutor Professors

Prof. Michele Daloiso
E. michele.daloiso@unipr.it

Prof. Marco Mezzadri
E. marco.mezzadri@unipr.it

Prof.ssa Micol Beseghi
E. micol.beseghi@unipr.it

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Micol Beseghi (Referente)
E. micol.beseghi@unipr.it

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Simonetta Anna Valenti
E. simonettaanna.valenti@unipr.it


Prof.ssa Chiara Denti
E. chiara.denti@unipr.it

Tutor students

Elena Lebedeva
E. elena.lebedeva@studenti.unipr.it

Polina Kurokhtina
E. polina.kurokhtina@studenti.unipr.it