cod. 1003698

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - First semester
Simonetta CROCI
Academic discipline
Fisica applicata (a beni culturali, ambientali, biologia e medicina) (FIS/07)
Scienze propedeutiche
Type of training activity
16 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: Physics, statistics and computer science

Learning objectives

The course is structured in modules, each of which focuses on an application aspect (e.g. Electrocardiogram/Encephalogram; hearing and the ear; ) and then introduces the physical concepts strictly functional to the understanding of that application or phenomenon.The course aims to enable the student to know and understand some fundamental physical quantities and laws in relation to specific applications in the biomedical field with particular reference to the blood circulation, the locomotor apparatus and electrophysiology in relation to some diagnostic techniques. This is aimed at enabling the student the ability to use the acquired knowledge and understanding in the daily relationship with the patient and in the daily use of the most common diagnostic techniques.

At the end of the course, the student must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of :
- The physical quantities and laws underlying blood circulation and pathologies such as aneurysm, stenosis or hypertension.
- The laws of electrostatics, the Coulombic Field, the Potential Difference, the electric dipole and the field generated by the dipole. Electrical properties of the heart, with reference to the principles on which the electrocardiogram is based, Polarisation vector and leads.
- The laws of electrodynamics in relation to the effects of direct and alternating current on the human body.
- The wave phenomena in relation to ultrasound and their applications.

Furthermore, the student, by applying the knowledge and understanding acquired, must be able, also by collaborating with other professionals
- contribute to the correct performance of certain diagnostic examinations .
- avoid and prevent behaviour that could lead to the risk of the pathophysiological effects of electric current on the human body.


No pre-requirement

Course unit content

The Course of Applied Physics is designed to give an understanding of the basic principles of physics.In particular the course is structured for the understanding of some topics and the related physics principles.The first lectures concern the definition of physical quantities such as force, mass, acceleration, force momentum as well as IS Units. Particular enphasis is given to levers in the human body and to the handling of loads. The second part of the course is devoted to the treatment of the laws of electrostatics and of the electrodynamics with respect to electrocardiogram measured signal, but also to the physiopathological effects of the electric current on the human body.The third part of the course deals with wave phenomena with special focus on diagnostic techniques (echodoppler, ultrasound, and nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray)

Full programme

Physical quantities. Vectors and scalars. Units, dimensions. Acceleration. Acceleration, mass, Force of gravity, weight. Newton’s laws. Centre of gravity, barycenter, force momentum. Equilibrium state of a rigid body. Levers and applications to the human body.Fluids, Pressure, Stevino’s law; work, power and energy. Theorem of kinetic energy. Energy conservation law.Fluid Dynamics; Flow rate. Characteristics of an ideal fluid. Bernoulli's theorem. Applications of Bernoulli's theorem to blood circulation. Real fluids. Laminar flow. Turbulent flow. Reynolds number. Blood pressure measurement. Surface tension and capillarity.Elastic properties of a body, Hook’s law, Young's modulus. Elastic behavior of blood vessels and bones.
Electric charge. Coulomb's law. Electric field Electric potential. Electric dipole, dipole momentum, electrocardiogram principle and function.Effects of electric currents flowing through a human body respect to DC and AC current. Electric current: definition of resistance and capacitance, DC (direct current) and AC current. Ohm's laws. Serial and parallel resistors and capacitors.
Wave phenomena characteristic, acoustic waves. Physical principles of ultrasound, and ultrasound production, piezoelectric crystals. Doppler effect applied to hearing, and Eco-Doppler diagnostic techniques. Doppler Continuous wave and pulsed wave. How to use: A-mode; B-mode; M-Mode. Attenuation curve and time gained compensation curve. Lateral and axial resolution. Bidemensional ecographic ultrasound systems. Scan-Prenatal. Ultrasound biological effects: thermal effect and mechanical effectElectromagnetic spectrum; electromagnetic waves and geometric optics, index of refraction;law of reflection and refraction;; lens, mirror and diopter systems The human eye. Use the thin-lens equations to determine location, size, orientation, and nature of the images formed by simple lenses.


Fisica Biomedica (Bersani - Bettati - Biagi - Capozzi - Feroci - Lepore - Mita - Ortalli - Roberti - Viglino - Vitturi)
Piccin editore
- Fisica applicata alle scienze Maediche
Gian Marco Contessa
Giuseppe augusto Marzo ; CEA

Teaching methods

The course will be held through lectures held on-site in compliance with safety standards.

Supporting material will be available on the specific, student-reserved platform (Elly) and will include slide presentations

The online learning platforms (Kahoot and Wooclap) will also be used. With Kahoot and Wooclap it is possible to create quizzes ideal for teaching, both remotely and face-to-face, integrating digital in the lessons.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the achievement of course aims is obtained with a written test using open-ended questions.
The duration of the written test is 1 hour. The written test is graded on a 0-30 scale.

If the adoption of the online mode is considered necessary for the profit examinations, the following procedure will be followed: written test conducted remotely on the Teams and Elly platforms ( guide).
In this case, the test consists of 30 multiple-choice and multiple-response questions on the course content (reference texts + documents uploaded to Elly during the course). There is no penalty for incorrect answers.
Students with DSA/BSE must contact Le Eli-che in advance: support for students with disabilities, D.S.A., B.E.S. (

The grade for the written test is published within 2 weeks of the written test via ESSE3.
Please note that registration for the roll call is compulsory. During lectures, the professor administers partial tests, which are useful for monitoring the achievement of learning objectives in progress and providing feedback to students before the official appeal.
The dates of the partial tests will be announced by the lecturer during the lectures.

Other information

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