Learning objectives
1st DUBLIN DESCRIPTOR: Knowledge and understanding skills. The student is required to demonstrate knowledge of the basic concepts of the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system and the central nervous system.
2nd DUBLIN DESCRIPTOR: Ability to apply knowledge and understanding. The student should be able to apply the knowledge acquired regarding the fundamental concepts of the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system and central nervous system.
3rd DUBLIN DESCRIPTOR: Autonomy of judgment. The student is expected to be able to develop anatomical-based thinking and possess autonomous judgment.
4th DUBLIN DESCRIPTOR: Communication skills. The student is expected to master an anatomical language.
5th DUBLIN DESCRIPTOR: Learning skills. The student is expected to develop learning skills to independently understand scientific texts on anatomical topics.
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Course unit content
Anatomical Language.
Body regions and cavities.
Musculoskeletal system.
Nervous System.
Full programme
Anatomical Language:
-Anatomical axes and planes, terminology for defining relationships and position, points and lines of repose.
- Body regions and cavities.
Musculoskeletal system:
- General concepts: classification of bones, joints, and muscles.
- The biomechanical model of the muscle.
- Contractile unit (sarcomere), concept of motor unit.
Nervous System:
- General principles. Cells of the nervous system (neurons, glia). Types of neurons. Development of the central nervous system. Encephalic vesicles, meninges, and ventricles.
- Basic concepts on the organization of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System.
- Spinal cord: generalities on structure, organization, white and gray matter. Spinal nerves (roots, branches).
- Motor and general sensory pathways. Neuromuscular spindles. Proprioception. Anatomical basis of reflexes.
- Encephalon: morphology and general organization of the brain stem, cerebellum, diencephalon, and telencephalon.
- Limbic system: basic components and their functional significance. Main circuits of the limbic system.
Anatomia Umana. F. H. Martini, R. B. Tallitsch, J. L. Nathed. EdiSES
Barr: Il sistema nervoso dell'uomo. Basi di neuroanatomia. John A. Kiernan, Nagalingam Rajakumar. EdiSES
Teaching methods
Interactive class lectures. Atlas and anatomical models will be also available. The slides used to support the lectures will be uploaded weekly to the Elly platform (https://elly2024.medicina.unipr.it).
Assessment methods and criteria
The achievement of the above-described learning objective will be verified by an oral exam. Communicative skills will be assessed too. The result will be announced immediately after.
Students with DSA/BSE must contact the University's Reception and Inclusion Centre (CAI) in advance and follow the CAI's instructions for any requests for personalized examinations (https://www.cai.unipr.it).
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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