cod. 19758

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
10 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

I) Knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course the student will
know the essentials of business administration, the characteristics of
measurement, management, plan and control in a healthcare
II) Competences: at the end of the course the student will be able to read
and comment the main accounting and extra-accounting information, to
read and comment a balance sheet, to define an economical analysis
III) Making judgements: at the end of the course the student will be able
to comment the efficiency and efficacy of a service, a performance o an
organization on the whole. Furthermore, he/she will be able to build, deal
and manage a budget.
IV) Communication skills: at the end of the course the student will be able
to use specific terminology in the field of economical evaluation and
business management; he/she will also be able to communicate properly
with management and to participate to budget dealing with the
V) Learning skills: through case studies and exercises, the student will be
V) Capacità di apprendimento: Lo studente, attraverso l’analisi di casi di
studio e lo svolgimento di esercizi sarà in grado di apprendere in modo
più approfondito le modalità di analisi, misurazione, controllo e
programmazione delle aziende sanitarie pubbliche.
Prerequisiti Nessuno
Metodi didattici Il corso adotterà le seguenti metodologie didattiche:
1) Lezioni frontali con l’utilizzo di supporti audiovisivi
2) Discussione di case study
Altre informazioni Nessuna
Modalità di verifica
Per gli esami di economia aziendale ed economia sanitaria, e' previsto un
esame comune costituito da:
1. costruzione e discussione di un paper;
2. esame scritto con domande chiuse.
Il voto finale sarà formulato sulla base del giudizio dei docenti rispetto
alle due parti dell’esame.
Programma esteso v. sezione Contenuti
able understand in depth the process of analysis, measurement,
controlling and planning in public healthcare organizations.



Course unit content

The course aims at introducing the essentials of business administration
to the students, paying major attention to measurement, management
and economical evaluation, particularly in healthcare organizations.
The course provides for the following topics:
1) Introduction of business administration and organizations
2) Costs and revenues in healthcare organizations
3) Business management
4) The budget in a healthcare organization: presentation and discussion
of a case study
5) The essentials of health economics; Reading the healthcare system in
key economic; Offer and demand system.
6) The National Health system and regional health systems.
7) The tools on the demand side; Business tools and organizational
methods, disease management, case management, strengthening
primary care, care models for chronic conditions.
8) International health systems; Interpretation of the NHS in comparison
with International Health Systems and the U.S. health care system.

Full programme

see Contents


Zangrandi A. (a cura di) (2011), Economia e Management per le
professioni sanitarie, McGraw-Hill, Milano (Chapters 1-4-5-6)
Lega F. (2023). “Economia e management sanitario – III Ed., Egea (chapters 2, 4, 5, 6, 7)

Teaching methods

The course will use the following didactic methodologies:
1) Lectures with slides
2) Discussion of case studies

Assessment methods and criteria

For business administration and healthcare economics, there is a
common exam, which consists in:
1. writing and discussion of a paper;
2. written exam with closed questions.
The final mark is defined on the basis of professors’ judgment about the
single parts of the exam.

Other information
