cod. 1009709

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Lingua e traduzione - lingua spagnola (L-LIN/07)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Integrated course unit module: SPANISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE

Learning objectives

The learning goals of the course are:
1. Bring the necessary knowledge and skills to understand the cultural and heritage assets as study objects.
2. Acquiring the ability to identify and interprete the hole sense of cultural and heritage assets and to transfer this information through an intersemiotic translation process.
3. Acquiring the ability to use the knowledge received in the course and to evaluate and elaborate appropriated judgements as a result of an analysis of written and oral Spanish texts and images or study objects.
4. Ability to communicate, to render the data collected, to create and compare appropriated text alternatives using specialized Spanish terminology related to this course.
At the end of the course the student:
He will have improved and perfected his language skills and improved his ability to interpret, process and produce texts of general and specialized content, with particular reference to the cultural and heritage assets, linguistic and museum field in relation to intersemiotic translation.


The level of competence required is C1/C1+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, in Spanish.

Course unit content

Accessibility of cultural heritage exhibitions through museum audio description
The course aims to bring reflection about museums and its accessibility. Museums as a source of knowledge and culture dissemination of different civilizations and societies should be open centres for the participation of the population and offer everyone the same opportunities for access to culture and cultural heritage. Intersemiotic translation provides this possibility by facilitating accessibility to museum content for people with visual and hearing impairments. Therefore, it is established that intersemiotic translation plays an important role in the matter of museum and cultural heritage accessibility, since it is the communication bridge between museums and visitors with disabilities. In this course we will reflect on the museum guide books and systems to stablish its role and efficiency in relation to accessibility. We will also realize some exercises of intersemiotic translations during the course considering in the linguistic system Spanish as the base language.

Full programme

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In addition to the theoretical elements provided and the text samples analyzed during the course, students will have to study the following materials:
Castro, D., Cosio, G., Hu Huang, D. y Calderón, D. (2018). Evaluación del proceso y producto de una propuesta de audiodescripción de tres obras de la exhibición permanente de arte moderno del museo de arte de Lima. Plataforma digital única del Estado Peruano. (31 de julio de 2021). Ley General de la Persona con Discapacidad y su Reglamento.
Ksybala, N. (2020). Traducir también es incluir. Turismo Inclusivo, Revista Digital Latinoamericana, edición 08, 55-57.
Seibel, C., Carlucci, L. y Martínez, S. (2020). Multimodalidad y traducción intersemiótica accesible en entornos museísticos.
Soler Gallego, S. y Chica Núñez, A. (2014). Museos para todos: evaluación de una guía audiodescriptiva para personas con discapacidad visual en el museo de ciencias. Revista Española de Discapacidad, 2(2), 145-167.
Soler, S. y Jiménez, C. (2013). Traducción accesible en el espacio museográfico multimodal: las guías audiodescriptivas. Revista, The Journal of Specialised Translation (20). 181-200 Recuperado de
Valero, M. (2020). Referencias culturales en la audiodescripción de Nuovo cinema Paradiso, análisis contrastivo. Lingue e Linguaggi (35), 273-293.
Other references:
Guía de museos y centros de ciencias accesibles de América Latina y el Caribe / organizado por Jessica Norberto Rocha... [et al.]; ilustrado por Barbara Mello. – Río de Janeiro: Museu da Vida/ Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz: RedPOP; Montevideo: Unesco, 2017.

VOCALEYES (2016) Museum Access Information Guidelines 2016.

Teaching methods

The course will take place through theoretical lectures and practical exercises in the classroom. Analysis of case studies. Self-learning activities are available to attend in the language laboratory located in Viale San Michele 9 with materials selected by the teachers of Spanish. In order to facilitate the learning process of all students, the teaching material will include the video-recording of the lessons or other equivalent audio-video material which will be available on the ELLY platform for 15 days.
Students will also be required to attend practical language lessons held by Spanish language assistants throughout the whole academic year aimed at consolidating students’ language skills to a C1+ level of the Common European Framework of Reference.

Assessment methods and criteria

The test includes an evaluation with final written and oral language.
The final tests are divided into: Written grammar test. Written expression (500 words), listening comprehension and a short proof of translation from Italian to Spanish. This test is preparatory to the oral exam.
The student must be able to recognize the different text types and the formal questions related to the linguistic phenomenon under examination. The questions also aim to verify the knowledge of the topics covered as well as the ability to apply it.
Both the ongoing and final assessments will be in Spanish and will be organised by combining an oral discussion on the topics, materials, data and methods covered throughout the course.
For the oral, the threshold of insufficiency is determined by the lack of knowledge of the contents, by an inadequate use of the specific language, by a processing without logical and expository rigor and by the inability to express oneself in a Spanish corresponding to level C1 +. The sufficient threshold (18-23 / 30) is determined by a partial knowledge of the contents and a minimum ability to apply and / or re-elaborate them as well as the demonstration of having a linguistic level with characteristic traits of level C2. An evaluation between 24-27 / 30 and 26-27 / 30 is achieved thanks to a fair / good knowledge of the contents, demonstrating application skills, articulated exposure and an adequate use of the specific language. The highest threshold (from 28/30 to 30/30 cum laude) is obtained when it proves to have excellent knowledge of the contents, autonomous, original and creative applications.

Other information

For the course will be made available in pdf format or otherwise made available, if downloadable open access, all the necessary materials. For this purpose they will be uploaded on the dedicated page of the ELLY university platform:

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office 

T. +39 0521 033707

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Dott.ssa Giuditta Diroma
T. +39 0521 032355
Office E.
Manager E.

President of the degree course

Prof. Michele Daloiso

Faculty advisor

Prof.ssa Nicoletta Cabassi

Career guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Nicoletta Cabassi

Tutor Professors

Prof. Michele Daloiso

Prof. Marco Mezzadri

Prof.ssa Micol Beseghi

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Micol Beseghi (Referente)

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Simonetta Anna Valenti


Prof.ssa Chiara Denti

Tutor students

Elena Lebedeva

Polina Kurokhtina