cod. 1010753

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni (ING-INF/05)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Within the framework of the latest automotive product developments, a central role is reserved for the design of Human-Machine Interaction (HMI). The growing presence of onboard functions, the introduction of advanced driving assistant systems, telematics and connectivity, electrification and autonomous driving contribute to the diffusion of increasingly articulated, innovative, technically sophisticated and sometimes complex driving interaction dashboards.
The course explores the design, prototyping and validation of in-vehicle Human-Machine Interfaces.
The training objectives consist in providing theoretical and practical notions and tools to: (i) acquire the general aspects of human-machine interaction and the central notions for their design; (ii) prototype the interfaces in their digital and physical components; (iii) examine the technical, architectural and production integrations between interfaces and vehicles; (iv) learn the technical and ergonomic validation methodologies of a user interface; (v) know the evolutionary lines of future vehicle interfaces. The course concludes with a review of interfaces for other mobility means such as motorbikes, off-highway vehicles (e.g. the tractor), trucks and other industrial vehicles.


There are no prerequisites.

Course unit content

The following are the main contents of the course:
(i) General aspects of Human Machine Interaction and notions of interface design:
- main theoretical addresses on Human Machine Interaction and Interaction;
- design methodologies for a simple interface, i.e. Automotive sector: user experience and usability, strategies to mitigate distraction while driving, physical and cognitive ergonomics aspects, human factors and user-centred design;
- main functions managed by on-board interfaces of vehicles: traditional driving functions, advanced driver assistant systems, telematics and connectivity, functions related to electric, autonomous and connected driving
- interaction technologies and impacts on technical design: visual, acoustic, voice, haptic and multimodal interaction systems.
- guidelines, standards, and regulations for realising interfaces approved for industrial production.

(ii) Prototyping of a Human Machine Interface:
- methodologies for prototyping an interface: model-based approaches, incremental prototyping versus throw-away prototyping; focus on virtual systems.
- techniques for prototyping and integrating the components of a human-machine interface, both digital (clusters, infotainment displays, smartphones, etc.) and physical (IoT, steering wheel buttons, climate controls, etc.).

(iii) Integration of the Human Machine Interface with the vehicle:
- methodologies for integrating the on-board interface with the vehicle's electrical/electronic architectures;
- from prototype to product: the interface going into production;
- evolutionary framework of electronic equipment and software solutions in current and future vehicles, considering aspects of connectivity, electrification and autonomous driving.

(iv) Technical and ergonomic validation of vehicle Human Machine Interface:
- methodologies and main ergonomic validation metrics of a human-machine interface and technical validation (e.g. compliance with specifications).
- virtual systems for validation: analysis of virtual systems (XR, VR, AR) and their application for ergonomic validation

(v) The future of interfaces:
- Adaptive interfaces and the role of Artificial Intelligence;
- sensors and systems for monitoring driving behaviour (Driver Monitoring Systems);
- Brain-computer interaction and multiverse.

Full programme

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Study materials will be proposed by the professor during the course and made available on the portal in compliance with copyrights

Teaching methods

Teaching is delivered through face-to-face lessons with audio-visual media (e.g. presentations). There are also seminars and testimonials to present tools, suites and application use cases. Project activities will also be carried out by dividing students into small groups.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination will take place at the end of the course in oral form, in the form of an interview in which questions on various areas of the programme will be proposed. At the examinee's choice, it will be possible to present a human-machine interface project realised using the methods and tools learnt during the course.

Other information

In the following, the knowledge and skills expected of students to:
- recognise and identify the main theoretical approaches to Human-Machine Interaction and interfaces for different contexts, referring in particular to automotive, transport and other fast growing contemporary sectors, the main functions managed by the interfaces, the design methodologies for their realisation, the most relevant interaction technologies, the regulatory framework and reference standards;
- apply prototyping methodologies for interfaces and know how to build a prototype in its physical/digital components (i.e., as an integral part of a vehicle architecture).
- discriminate the procedural steps in the transition from the prototype of an interface to its production;
- apply the methodologies of technical and ergonomic evaluation of an interface and prepare such evaluation in the different test and simulation contexts;
- be aware of the evolutionary processes of automotive and other sectors’ interfaces;
- know how to analyse the design impacts of interfaces in different mobility contexts: motorbikes, off-highway vehicles, trucks and other industrial vehicles.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

Human-machine interfaces that are ergonomically designed, distraction-free, and capable of delivering information to the user accurately and effectively, as will be proposed in this course, play a key role in sustainable development goals. In particular, they contribute to promoting positive impacts on health and well-being (goal 3), facilitating innovation processes to reach the goals of Agenda 2030 like facilitating innovation processes in the automotive and transport system thanks to bringing innovative technologies into vehicles (goal 9) and creating a more sustainable and harmonious urban and non-urban mobility (goal 11).


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:

Office E.
Manager E. 


President of the degree course

Prof. Massimo Bertozzi

Faculty advisor

Prof. Letizia Marchegiani

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Letizia Marchegiani

Tutor professor

Prof. Nicola Mimmo (UNIBO)
Prof. Riccardo Rovatti (UNIBO)

Erasmus delegates

to be determined

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Nicola Mimmo (UNIBO)


Prof. Alessandro Chini (UNIMORE)
Prof. Gaetano Bellanca (UNIFE)
Prof.ssa Annamaria Cucinotta (UNIPR)
Prof. Nicola Mimmo (UNIBO)
Prof. Paolo Pavan (UNIMORE)
Prof. Riccardo Rovatti (UNIBO)

Tutor students

to be determined