Learning objectives
At the end of the module, students should have learned graphic methods through which to communicate their design ideas in the final phase of their degree thesis.
Course unit content
The 10-hour module, inserted in the final synthesis laboratory in Planning, aims to equip students with those graphic tools useful for the representation and design of the landscape. In this regard, some hours of frontal lessons will be provided in which these topics will be addressed in particular:
- Use and reading of basic cartography
- Graphic study of legends and symbols for the understanding and design of the landscape
- Representation at the appropriate scale of planimetric views and sections with particular attention to the design of the "green"
- Emilio Sereni, Storia del paesaggio agrario Italiano, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1961.
- Gabriele Farinelli, La cartografia storica e la produzione attuale come mezzi di conoscenza delle trasformazioni territoriali, in Edoardo Varon (a cura di), La rappresentazione del paesaggio e del giardino nel rilievo e nel progetto architettonico, Milano, Città studi, 1998.
- Maria Grazia Cianci, La rappresentazione del paesaggio, Firenze, Alinea, 2008
- Renzo Dubbini, Geografie dello sguardo, visone e paesaggio in età moderna, Torino, Einaudi, 1994.
- Giancarlo De Carlo, Nelle città del mondo, Venezia, Marsilio Editori, 1998.
- Trebbo Trebbi, Il giardino secondo natura, Bologna, Edagricole, 1993.
- Bruno Munari, Disegnare un albero, MILANO Zanichelli, 1978.
- Eugenio Turri, Semiologia del paesaggio italiano, Milano, Longaresi, 1979.
Teaching methods
The course as well as a few hours of frontal lessons will consist of at least one practical exercise in which to apply what has been learned at a theoretical level. Subsequent revisions, carried out on the topic carried out for the discussion of the degree thesis, may continue beyond the end of the hours allocated to the single module.
Assessment methods and criteria
See the details of the Synthesis Laboratory