Characteristics of the final examination

Final Second-cycle Degree Examination. The candidate's final assessment is made taking into account the results of the entire university career, the thesis and the discussion in the Second-cycle Degree Examination. The discussion of the Second-cycle degree examination will focus on the candidate's thesis.
The thesis, carried out under the guidance of a Professor from the degree courses coordinated by the Architecture Unit of the Department of Engineering and Architecture, who takes on the role of supervisor, must be of a design or theoretical-experimental nature and present original characteristics. In order to develop coordinated design work and in-depth thematic studies in the final year of the course, the subject of the Second-cycle degree thesis can be developed from the design activities carried out in the synthesis workshops of the various curricula. It is also possible to complete the dissertation activity as part of an internship.

Evaluation of Second-cycle degree examinations The evaluation of final examinations for academic qualifications is expressed in hundredths. The examination is passed if the mark is at least 66/110. Unanimity of the committee is required for the awarding of an honour.

Procedure for the final examination

There are three graduation sessions per academic year: summer, autumn and extraordinary.
At least 30 days before the date set for the final examination, the candidate must submit the application for admission to the Second-cycle degree examination together with the required documentation to the Student registry office.
It is the responsibility of the Student registry office to check that the candidate has acquired the ECTS credits relating to the educational activities envisaged in the programme of study.

1. The Second-cycle Degree examination consists in the evaluation, by a special Commission, of the curriculum of the studies carried out and of a thesis, prepared by the candidate under the guidance of a supervisor who is a Professor in the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Parma.
2. Students wishing to be admitted to the Second-cycle degree examination must submit a specific application to the Student registry office, in accordance with the procedures established by the office, at least 30 days before the date of the degree call.
3. As a rule, studies prior to the dissertation will be completed, under the guidance of a supervisor chosen by the student, in the context of their Synthesis Laboratory, referring mainly to the disciplinary areas of the Laboratory. However, the student may choose a supervisor and a thesis topic falling within the disciplinary sector to which the supervisor belongs, independently of the Synthesis Workshop attended, without prejudice to the obligation to sit the examination of the Synthesis Workshop attended by the student.
4. The dissertation may be written in Italian or English.
5. In addition to the information requested by the Student registry office, the degree application must contain all the elements that the student deems useful for the evaluation of his/her study curriculum:
a. final title of the thesis in Italian and English and name of the Professor who acts as supervisor;
b. documentation proving any official periods of study abroad;
c. further documentation relating to official recognition obtained by the candidate for his/her university studies (scholarships, awards, etc.).
The application for the degree examination must also be approved in advance by the supervisor, so as to certify the work done in the thesis.
6. The student must acquire the necessary credits for the Second-cycle degree and must submit the thesis in accordance with the procedure established by the University of Parma, at least ten days before the date of the degree call.
7. The Degree Committee, composed of at least five professors chosen from among the professors of the courses of study in Architecture, one of whom shall act as Chairman, and appointed by the Director of the Department on the proposal of the President of the degree course.
8. The Commission's final evaluation is expressed in hundredths and is formulated on the basis of the following elements: a. weighted average of the marks obtained in the profit examinations and in the tests foreseen by the University's teaching regulations, as explained in point 9 below; b. overall curriculum of the candidate, as specified in points 10 and 11 below; c. evaluation of the thesis prepared by the candidate and presentation of the thesis.
9.The weighted average, expressed in out of 110, is calculated by the Student registry office by weighting the marks by the number of credits allocated to the course to which each individual examination relates. Any ECTS credits awarded without a grade or acquired in excess (extracurricular) do not count towards the average.
10. In recognition of the university career, i.e. the ability to organise oneself as demonstrated by the candidate during the degree course, the speed of learning, the commitment to follow the pace of teaching, the Commission awards: a. a three-point increase in the average in hundredths for those who graduate within the autumn session (September and December sessions) of the second academic year after enrolment in the Second-cycle degree programme; b. a two-point increase in the average in hundredths for those who graduate within the special session (March and April sessions) of the second academic year after enrolment in the Second-cycle degree programme.
11. As additional recognition of the validity of the candidate's career, the Committee may award up to one additional point on the basis of the candidate's honours, periods of study abroad - compulsory in the case of participation in Erasmus or Overworld programmes - and any official recognition obtained in the course of his or her studies.
12. As an assessment of the content of the thesis and the exposition of the thesis, the Committee awards between zero and seven additional points after consulting the supervisor.
13. If the candidate achieves a mark of 110 out of 110, the Committee may award the mark with distinction unanimously on the basis of the evaluation of points 11 and 12 above.
14. The President of the Committee proclaims the graduates and announces the marks obtained.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Quality Assurance Manager:
Rag. Cinzia Zilli
T. +39 0521 906433
E. office
E. manager 

Course President

Prof. Enrico Prandi

Faculty advisor

Prof.ssa Lia Ferrari

Carrier guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Barbara Caselli

Tutor Professors

Prof.ssa Lia Ferrari
Prof.ssa Maria Melley
Prof. Enrico Prandi


Students contact extra UE 


Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Silvia Berselli
Prof. Carlo Gandolfi
Prof. Dario Costi
Prof.ssa Sandra Mikolajewska
Prof. Marco Maretto

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Maria Melley


Prof. Carlo Quintelli
Prof. Antonio Maria Tedeschi

Tutor students

William Bozzola –
Mathieu Marie De Hoe Nonnis Marzano -
Francesca Pinelli
Federica Stabile