cod. 1010626

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Fisica tecnica ambientale (ING-IND/11)
"discipline fisico-tecniche ed impiantistiche per l'architettura"
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: ENVIRONMENTAL APPLIED PHYSICS

Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand: (The Dublin Descriptor)
At the end of the course, the student will have acquired knowledge on the design of buildings capable of reducing energy consumption, and of ensuring adequate comfort to occupants with regard to hygrothermal, acoustic and lighting conditions.
Skills: (II Descriptor: Ability to apply knowledge and understanding)
At the end of the course the student will have developed the ability to identify the main parameters that affect the performance of the building envelope and to identify the solutions that can improve the performance of the building envelope.
Autonomy of judgment: (III, IV, V Dublin descriptor)
At the end of the course the student will acquire a necessary and indispensable autonomy of critical (or self-critical) judgement on the architectural design declined with respect to the specific themes described in the contents (3rd Dublin descriptor);
Communication skills: (III, IV, V Dublin Descriptor)
At the end of the course the student should have acquired sufficient language skills, at least as regards the specific technological terminology of the teachings.


For following this course it is mandatory to have acquired the basic notions on Applied Physics planned inside the three years degree.

Course unit content

The course aims to provide students with the necessary applicative elements of Evironmental Applied Physics related to environmental issues, in all its meanings. The concepts learned in the previous Applied Physics course are employed for the solution of problems related to heat transfer in buildings, hygrometric, acoustics, lighting and environmental impact. This affects the activity of architects responsible for the design of buildings in urban areas. In particular, the course analyzes the problems related to the building envelope: thermal and acoustic insulation, lighting in daylight.

Full programme

Heat Transfer in Buildings Structures and Thermal Comfort in Buildings:
- Symbols for Quantities and Units
- Thermal Transmittance of Building Structures
- Heat Transfer in Greened Building Structures
- Heat Transfer in Building Structures in Contact with the Ground
- Heat Transfer in Building Structures with Thermal Bridges
- Overall Thermal Transmittance of the Building Envelope
- Determination of the Thermal Transmittances of the Building Structures on Built Objects
- Determination of Thermal Irregularities in the Envelope for Built Buildings.
Ventilation and Energy Performance of Buildings:
- Symbols for Quantities and Units
- Building Ventilation - Ventilation and Indoor Environment Comfort
- Ventilation Heat Losses and Energy Efficiency of Buildings.
Moisture Uptake in Building Structures:
- Symbols for Quantities and Units
- Causes and Effects of Moisture Uptake in Building Structures
- Psychrometric Properties of Moist Air
- Requirements for the Prevention of the Condensation of Water Vapour on the Interior Surfaces of Building Structures
- Requirement for the Prevention of Interstitial Condensation of Water Vapour.
Visual Comfort and Architectural Lighting:
- Symbols for Quantities and Units
- Physical and Physiological - Fundamentals of Light Perception
- Photometry and the Photometric Quantities
- Daylight
- Artificial Electric Lighting
- Requirements and Criteria of Visual Comfort
- Energy Demands for Lighting.
Building Acoustics:
- Symbols for Quantities and Units
- Sound and Acoustics
- Perception of the Sound
- Characterization of Sound Sources
- Acoustic Comfort in Buildings
- Sound Propagation in a Building and Sound Insulation Requirements.


Recommended textbook:
S. Medved. Building
Physics -
Heat, Ventilation, Moisture, Light,
Sound, Fire, and Urban Microclimate. Springer.

Teaching methods

Lectures are used as teaching method.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination consists of a written test.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

This course contributes to the realization of the ONU objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In particular the topics of this course are related to the following goals:
- Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
- Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.ingarc@unipr.it 

Quality assurance office

Quality Assurance Manager:
Rag. Cinzia Zilli
T. +39 0521 906433
E. office dia.didattica@unipr.it
E. manager cinzia.zilli@unipr.it 

Course President

Prof. Enrico Prandi
E. enrico.prandi@unipr.it 

Faculty advisor

Prof.ssa Lia Ferrari
E. lia.ferrari@unipr.it 

Carrier guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Barbara Caselli
E. barbara.caselli@unipr.it 

Tutor Professors

Prof.ssa Lia Ferrari
E. lia.ferrari@unipr.it 
Prof.ssa Maria Melley
E. maria.melley@unipr.it  
Prof. Enrico Prandi
E. enrico.prandi@unipr.it 


Students contact extra UE 

E. msinarchitecture@unipr.it 

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Silvia Berselli
E. silvia.berselli@unipr.it 
Prof. Carlo Gandolfi
E. carlo.gandolfi@unipr.it
Prof. Dario Costi
E. dario.costi@unipr.it  
Prof.ssa Sandra Mikolajewska
E. sandra.mikolajewska@unipr.it 
Prof. Marco Maretto
E. marco.maretto@unipr.it 

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Maria Melley
E. maria.melley@unipr.it 


Prof. Carlo Quintelli
E. carlo.quintelli@unipr.it
Prof. Antonio Maria Tedeschi

Tutor students

William Bozzola – william.bozzola@studenti.unipr.it
Leonardo Cagnolileonardo.cagnoli@studenti.unipr.it
Mathieu Marie De Hoe Nonnis Marzano - mathieumarie.dehoe@studenti.unipr.it
Elena Draghielena.draghi1@studenti.unipr.it
Marco Mambrionimarco.mambrioni@unipr.it
Maria Parentemaria.parente1@unipr.it
Chiara Paviranichiara.pavirani@studenti.unipr.it
Francesca Pinelli francesca.pinelli@studenti.unipr.it
Federica Stabile federica.stabile@unipr.it