cod. 1005372

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - Second semester
Federico ARMANDO
Academic discipline
Patologia generale e anatomia patologica veterinaria (VET/03)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
7 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

Provide the student with the knowledge and understanding of the aims, advantages and limitations of diagnostic cytology, cytological sample preparation techniques and basic cognitive principles.


No any

Course unit content

Introduction to Diagnostic Cytology, sampling techniques, preparation and staining of cytological Samples, basic interpretative in Cytology. Cytology features of inflammatiory status and neoplasms. Cytological criteria of malignancy.

Full programme

Reported in the boxws named "CONTENUTI" and "OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI"


Pdf presentation uploaded on the Elly platform

Teaching methods

Ex-cathedra and lab educational activities.
Frequency in laboratory activities is mandatory and verified in presence.
In the event of an emergency of any nature the educational activities will be performed on-line on the TEAMS Office 365 platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

Examination of expected learning outcomes, provided by indicators D1 and D2, is carried out by means of a written test, multiple-choice test, and possibly an oral request for “cum laude”. The test includes thirty multiple-choicequestions, numbered from one to thirty (1-30), with three response options (a, b, c). In the multiple-choice test, there are six questions about the five modules of the integrated course. The student has time one hour to complete the written test (multiple-choice test). The test correction takes into consideration three distinct responses and three different scoring assignments: a) A correct answer, 1 (one) point; b) Answer not given, 0 (zero) points; c) Wrong answer,0 (zero) points. The vote is expressed in thirty. “Cum laude” is given to the student who answered exactly all thirty test questions and a further oral question on a topic covered in one of the didactic modules. The module is a student's choice. A student with a specific learning disability diagnosis (DSA) student, certified under Law No. 170/2010, is granted an hour and a half to complete the written test (multiple-choice test). Expected learning outcomes, as expressed in the D3, D4 and D5 indicators, are evaluated on the other hand with the aim of monitoring individual and collective learning in order to organize the training path according to verified professional skills. In the event of emergencies of any nature that require learners and teachers to be far away from the teaching structures, the exam sessions will be completed online on the TEAMS Office 365 platform.

Other information

No any

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

Protect the terrestrial ecosystem to favor a balance between animals in livestock production and environmental sustainability (soil, groundwater and atmosphere).