cod. 13461

Academic year 2024/25
3° year of course - First semester
T'ai Gladys Whittingham FORTE
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
Abilità informatiche e telematiche
Type of training activity
24 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The main aim of the course in “Computer skills” is to equip students with basic theoretical concepts together with practical aspects of information and communications technology (ICT) skills which students need to organise and use digital technology. Specific objectives can be divided into the following: 1) acquisition of basic ICT concepts; 2) organisation of scientific literature; 3) use of word processing applications to produce and format written texts; 4) management of spreadsheets to organise and process scientific data; and 5) acquisition of basic tools to prepare and present scientific outcomes using digital applications.


No specific previous knowledge is required.

Course unit content

The course will consist of a brief overview of theoretical concepts followed by a larger part focusing on practical exercises and training. Three main Microsoft Office programs will be used: Excel, Word and PowerPoint. The bulk of the content aims to equip students with the basic skills needed to manage the tools they are going to use on a daily basis, increasing students’ confidence in the organisation of their material (e.g. documents, books, scientific articles, data) and its processing (e.g. preparing and presenting a dissertation/thesis).
Internet, TCP/IP and the WWW

Full programme

INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPUTER – THEORETICAL CONCEPTS. Brief history of computing, computer hardware and software, operating systems, navigation online and security issues.

BIBLIOGRAPHIC RESEARCH AND MANAGING A BIBLIOGRAPHY. Search methods for scientific information, organisation and citation of the scientific literature.

SPREADSHEETS. Using spreadsheets to organise and process scientific data (e.g. data collected during university work experience/projects), from data input and organisation to data processing using formulas, graphs and tables. Activities will be carried out using Microsoft Excel (MS Office).

TEXT PROCESSING. How to use computerised word processing to produce written texts (e.g. degree theses), from writing an index to formatting and the organisation and inclusion of figures (e.g. photos, graphs, tables). Activities will be carried out using Microsoft Word (MS Office).

PRESENTATIONS. Acquiring the basic tools for preparing digital presentations (e.g. final degree oral presentations), from structuring a presentation to the creation of slides, by managing graphical layout and animation. Activities will be carried out using Microsoft PowerPoint (MS Office).


Learning materials will be provided during the course and will be available on the Elly platform.

Teaching methods

A combination of seminars and class activities using the computer. Lessons will take place in the Aula Informatica E [Campus – Aule delle Scienze]. Some lessons regarding information technology will be recorded and available online (4h).

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation will be carried out via a written exam, which will be held on the computer, and will include:

- a multiple choice test to ascertain that students have acquired basic ICT knowledge and ability to understand bibliographical material organization and citation.
- a practical test to ascertain that students have learnt how to 1) manage and format text files, 2) use spreadsheets, organise data and produce graphic output, and 3) use the main tools for the creation of a digital presentation.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T.+39 0521 905116 

Quality assurance office

Education manager

Office E.

Education Manager:
Claudia Caselli

T. +39 0521 905613
Manager E.

Course president

Donato Antonio Grasso

Faculty advisor

Alessandro Petraglia

Career guidance delegate

Paola Maria Valsecchi

Erasmus delegates

Alessandro Petraglia

Quality assurance manager

Corrado Rizzoli


Angelo Pavesi

Tutor students

De Matteis Chiara