cod. 1009950

Academic year 2024/25
4° year of course - First semester
Elena Giovanna BIGNAMI
Academic discipline
Anestesiologia (MED/41)
Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
Type of training activity
75 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: SURGICAL SCIENCES

Learning objectives

The educational objective of the course is to provide notions related to the different drugs used in Dentistry, such as local anesthesia, analgesics and drugs for any sedation (conscious, deep). Also: anxiety medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers and non-steroidal antipyretics (NSAIDs). Other pain medications. Drugs active on the cardiovascular system.
In particular, we want to offer the opportunity to approach in a practical way, from an anesthetic point of view, to:

- evaluation of patients to be subjected to loco-regional anesthesia, sedation, analgesia or general anesthesia
- know how to distinguish the pharmacological principles of the various anesthetic behaviors
- evaluate the monitoring of vital parameters for different patients and the different types of "anesthesia"
- learn how to recognize and manage emergency situations

Finally, we want to offer tools to ensure adequate preparation for the initial management of the emergency in the hospital, giving the opportunity to address the clinical problems of the emergency, through theoretical and practical training, and acquire the methodology that allows to deal with the emergency effectively.

The exam will consist of an integrated assessment, inclusive of a BLSD learning judgment and an oral exam that will deal with clinical cases, which will be inspired for an in-depth analysis on the "Topics of the course". For topics not covered in class, the student will refer to the contents of the recommended texts. The student's ability to deal with simulated clinical cases will also be assessed.



Course unit content

During the course the main anesthetic techniques will be addressed, such as loco-regional anesthesia, sedation and the main analgesia techniques. Through practical exercises each student will be able to understand the importance of the pre-procedure anesthesia evaluation of the different patients, of the anesthetic drugs and of the clinical monitoring of the patient. In addition, the main issues related to emergency management in the hospital (and outside) will be illustrated, evaluating real clinical problems, through theoretical and practical training. The appropriate methodology will be provided to enable the emergency to be dealt with effectively.

In particular, students will be presented:

• Emergencies
• Principles of pharmacokinetics
• Principles of pharmacodynamics
• Pharmacology of the Autonomous Nervous System
• Drugs of anxiety and conscious sedation. Nitrous oxide. Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Other pain medications. Drugs active on the cardiovascular system. Active drugs on gastric function. Drugs acting on coagulation. 
• Principles of Anesthesiology and Sedation in dentistry. Local-regional anesthesia. General anesthesia

Full programme

Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation in adults (with airway obstruction)
- Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation in children (with airway obstruction)
- The 118 system
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Anaphylactic shock
- Syncope, lipothymia and vaso-vagal crisis
- Hypertensive crisis and acute pulmonary edema
- Acute myocardial infarction
- Asthmatic crisis + O2 therapy + invasive and non-invasive ventilation
- Neurological Emergencies: Stroke (ischemic / hemorrhagic) and convulsions
- General anesthesia and sedation.
- Local / locoregional anesthesia (toxicity of anesthesia drugs)
- Hemorrhage and anticoagulants
- Analgesia
- Antibiotic prophylaxis


- operating room frequency


E.Romano, Anestesia- I principi e le tecniche, UTET
Manani G “Anestesia in Odontostomatologia”, IIIa Ed, Idelson-Gnocchi, 2011
Katzung BG Farmacologia generale e clinica Piccin, Padova
F. Della Corte. Manuale di Medicina d’urgenza
Chiaranda M Urgenze ed emergenze: Istituzioni, IIIa Ed, Piccin, Padova, 2011
ROSEN’S. Emergency Medicine

Teaching methods

Lectures will be held on-site in compliance with safety standards, provided that further instructions on the ongoing health emergency are not implemented. Supporting material will be available on the specific, student-reserved platform (Elly) and will include slide presentations, audio-video aids or video-recording of the lectures.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination. Students with SLD / BSE must first contact Le Eli-che: support for students with disabilities, D.S.A., B.E.S. (

Other information

Lectures will be held on-site in compliance with safety standards, provided that further instructions on the ongoing health emergency are not implemented. Supporting material will be available on the specific, student-reserved platform (Elly) and will include slide presentations, audio-video aids or video-recording of the lectures.