Course President
Prof.ssa Maddalena Manfredi Tel: 0521.906718
The president convenes and chairs the Course Council and supervises its activities.
The Master’s Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Council (MDCDP Council) and its related bodies operate in accordance with the University's general regulations and in Quality Assurance (QA) mode, integrating with the related University and departmental bodies and commissions (Evaluation Committee, Joint Committee, Departmental Steering Committee, etc).
The MDCDP Council consists of:
The tenured professors and university researchers who are in charge of or entrusted with a course unit;
the holders of a teaching contract for a course unit;
The representatives of the students enrolled in the degree course, as established by the university regulations.
The teaching manager as auditor
In accordance with the provisions of the university and departmental rules and regulations and in order to comply with management specificities, the MDCDP Council appoints:
a vice-president, on the president's proposal, who replaces the president in the event of absence or momentary inability to perform duties
a Quality Assurance Manager (QAM), on the president's proposal
a Review Group (RG), consisting of a student representative for each year of the course, the teaching manager, the president, the QAM, two instructors appointed by the MDCDP Council on the president's proposal the student representatives for each year of the course are proposed to the MDCDP Council by the students
the coordinator instructors for each year of the course, appointed by the MDCDP Council on the recommendation of the president
the teaching committee, consisting of the president, vice-president, QAM, coordinator instructors for each year and the teaching manager
the delegates for advising and career guidance appointed by the MDCDP Council on the recommendation of the president
a dissertation coordinator, appointed by the MDCDP Council on the recommendation of the president one or more delegates for internationalisation, appointed by the MDCDP Council on the recommendation of the president
The MDCDP Council may identify additional figures deemed necessary for the performance of its functions, assigning them specific tasks. The appointments expire in any case at the end of the president's term of office and are reviewed annually.