Student tutors

The University offers its students a tutoring service, aimed at guiding and assisting students throughout their course.
Tutoring is carried out by all course professors/instructors and by students identified through an annual call for applications published here.

Student tutor

The student tutor is an experienced student or doctoral or postgraduate student who puts his or her practical experience at the service of those in need.
In particular, it is responsible for welcoming new students assistance in the compilation of programmes of study, advice on the course catalogue (curriculum, prerequisites, examinations), help in organizing study and examinations and supplementary activities, support in finding information on international mobility and curricular internships, relations with the administrative services.

Contact the students tutor:

Viola TAMANI (

tuesday from 10.30 to 12.30

friday from 10.30 to 12.30

Appointments with Dr. TAMANI, scheduled via email, will take place on the specified days and times at the Doctoral Students' classroom on the first floor of the Building located at Via D'Azeglio, 85.


In case of need, it is possible to arrange with the tutors different days and times for appointments.