The advising/guidance activities for the Philosophical Studies course are coordinated by the Course President (Prof. Fabrizio Amerini), in collaboration with the Guidance delegate designated by the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries, who oversees the organization of meetings with secondary school students, assisted in this for the Philosophical Studies course by Prof. Irene Binini and Alessandro Torza.
These activities are also coordinated in cooperation with the university's advising/guidance service. The organisation of the Open Day and the Info Day, in collaboration with the University's Communication and External Relations Department, is supported by the course's education manager, Mrs. Maria Velardi.
The degree course considers advising/guidance activities fundamental because it is necessary to introduce future students to the potential and characteristics of the study of Philosophy. Indeed, this study enables the acquisition of very important skills for today's world of work of an organizational, analytical-assessment, communicative and relational nature; however, it requires a strong motivation to study in order to be able to deal with even very complex ideas and methodologies.
They also organize a meeting with Course newly enrolled students which takes place in the first week of classes and is also held as Lesson 0. The Course President provides the main information to students.
Entrance advising/guidance test. In particular, attendance of the preparatory course called 'Idea-Philosophy' is recommended. This course is offered to all first year students but is intended in particular, as an additional training obligation (OFA), to fill the gaps identified by the entrance test.
In order to present the specificities and aims of philosophical studies, the Philosophy Unit, in collaboration with the Parma section of the Italian Philosophical Society, organizes annual readings of classic Philosophical texts in secondary schools in the city of Parma and its province, with the collaboration of secondary school teachers.