Course units and programme of study

The programme of study is the set of compulsory and elective courses that the student must take in order to graduate.

Submission of the programme of study for your year of enrolment is compulsory and is required, in particular, for registration for examinations and for completion of the teaching evaluation questionnaires.

All current students must submit their programme of study online via the Esse3 system.

The programme of study may differ according to the academic year of enrolment ('cohort'); it may also provide for a choice between different study paths ('curricula').

To see the list of courses that you can include in your programme of study, select the academic year of enrolment and, if available, the curriculum.

Search course units in the programme of study.

List of courses

How the programme of study works

The list of course units in the programme of study represents all the training activities that can be envisaged for each of the years of which the course is composed and changes according to the year in which the student enrols. 'Free or restricted-choice' subjects are optional educational activities that the student may include in the programme of study according to the choice criteria specified in the Course Prospectus; the remaining subjects are compulsory for all students.

The programme of study must be submitted online by the student for each year using the ESSE3 platform.

Students are allowed to submit their own programme of study with options other than those presented on this page (and available in ESSE3), as long as it is consistent with achieving the course's learning objectives. In that case, the programme must be submitted to the Course Council for approval.

Indicazioni per la presentazione del piano di studio

Prima della compilazione del Piano in ESSE3, studenti e studentesse sono invitati a prendere visione delle "Regole" del proprio Corso di laurea e delle indicazioni che ogni anno sono pubblicate alla pagina

Periodo di compilazione del piano

Il piano degli studi deve essere compilato in ESSE3 in un periodo temporale che ogni anno accademico viene deliberato e indicato alla pagina (generalmente da novembre e febbraio); in tale periodo il piano potrà essere compilato una sola volta.

Eventuali modifiche al piano già presentato potranno essere effettuate nel periodo di apertura primaverile (solitamente marzo - aprile).

La scelta del curriculum

Al terzo anno di corso gli studenti e le studentesse, contestualmente alla compilazione on-line del piano di studi, devono effettuare necessariamente la scelta del curriculum (per maggiori informazioni consultare la pagina Piani di studio)

Il piano di studio prevede 2 differenti curricula, ognuno con caratteristiche specifiche. Tutti gli insegnamenti del terzo anno risultano differenziati a seconda del curriculum scelto.

- Curriculum Food Management: approfondisce le principali tematiche relative alla gestione dei sistemi e delle filiere agro-alimentari, in una prospettiva di creazione del valore per i prodotti, con particolare riferimento agli aspetti culturali e di sostenibilità.

- Curriculum Food Science: sviluppa conoscenze e strumenti per comprendere il prodotto agroalimentare nelle sue componenti organolettiche e per fornire garanzie di salute, sicurezza e qualità, nel rispetto della sostenibilità ambientale, economica e sociale.

OFA, "English Language OFA", "Rules and prerequisites"

Students who have not yet cleared their OFA at the time of enrolment in the 2nd year may still enrol in the 2nd year, but until the examination has been passed, they may only sit any remaining 1st year examinations.

Those who have been allocated the OFA (even in previous years) will not be able to clear it by repeating the test in the calendar years following the year of registration, but only by passing one of the exams of the first semester of the first year (Mathematical methods for economics, Business administration or History of food) before being able to take any exam in the 2nd year (for example: for students enrolled in the a.y. 2024/2025, no later than 31 December 2025). before the 2nd year examinations.

The sequence of examinations as laid down in the syllabus is fundamental to the successful progression of the degree course. In this regard, all students enrolled in the first year of the Degree Course "CLEMFAS" must meet the following prerequisites:

  • they may only sit the second-year examinations (and more generally all the educational activities, including the internship, included by the student in his/her study plan in the second year) after having passed at least three examinations of the first year;
  • they may only sit the third-year examinations (and more generally all the educational activities, including the internship, included by the student in his/her programme of study in the third year) after having passed all the examinations of the first year.

The choice of specialisation curriculum is made in the third year.

MPORTANT - OFA English Language: the CLEMFAS Study Course is also required to verify knowledge of the English language.

To complete the ENGLISH LANGUAGE knowledge test, the student can:
1. take the TOLC-E test (early or ordinary) by completing all the sections and achieving a score above 7/15 (14/30) in the English section. The score obtained in the Logic, Mathematics, Verbal Comprehension sections and also the score in the English section will be taken into account; students who obtain a score lower than 7/15 (14/30) in the English section will be assigned the ENGLISH language OFA;
2. or, within the following year, present a B1 level (or higher) certificate obtained from the University Language Center or from any international institute (e.g. ESOL Cambridge, IELTS, TOEFL, FIRST, etc.);
3. or, present linguistic certification in "Open Badge" format obtained in secondary school (INVALSI) after the academic year. 2019/2020;
4. or take part in the self-study online English language course (free of charge) organized by the University Language Centre.



Toll-free number

800 904 084

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Mrs Barbara Violi
E. Office
E. Manager

President of the degree course

prof. ssa Lucia Poletti

Faculty advisor

prof. Donata Tania Vergura

Career guidance delegate

prof. Chiara Panari

Tutor professors

prof. Silvia Bellini

Erasmus delegates

prof. Maria Cecilia Mancini
prof. Donata Tania Vergura

Quality assurance manager

prof. Giulio Tagliavini

