Organisation and responsibility for Course QA
The Quality Assurance of Degree Courses (CdS) is a constituent element of the management, monitoring and measurement of the dynamics governing teaching, knowledge and know-how.
Degree courses are at the heart of the educational mission of higher education institutions. They are designed through the identification of the ideal kind(s) of graduate profile in terms of scientific, cultural and/or professional characteristics and, consistently, of the training paths leading to the acquisition of the specific knowledge and skills associated with such profiles.
Course design must involve the students and external stakeholders most appropriate to the character and objectives of the course. The external stakeholders of the degree course include all the actors, organisations and institutions potentially interested in the cultural and professional profile of the graduates drawn by the degree course (organisations representing the production of goods and services, the professions and/or - if considered relevant to the project - scientific societies, research centres, academic and cultural institutions of national or international relevance, etc.). Depending on the proposed project, stakeholders may be represented by a Steering Committee, comprising a representation of the Department's faculty and representatives from the world of work, culture and research representing the stakeholders of one or more degree course.
Documentation relating to the Department's QA objectives and the annual report on QPD activities is accessible on the following web pages:
The Course Council, through its President, is also responsible for the information reported in the ANVUR documents (SUA-CdS, Annual Monitoring Form, Cyclical Review Report).
To this end, each degree course sets up a Review Group (GdR) made up of figures from within the course itself, able to contribute to the evaluation of the course from different points of view (teaching staff, technical-administrative staff, students).
In the course of the self-assessment process, the GdR examines everything that can contribute to the analysis of the results of the degree course, and in particular:
- the annual report provided by the relevant Joint Professor/Instructor and Student Committee;
- the report of the Evaluation Committee;
- the progress of students' careers;
- the availability of contextual services (tutoring, internationalisation, guidance, internships, etc.);
- consultation with the relevant socio-economic system of (including the Steering Committee, sector studies, specific meetings with social partners);
- availability of resources (human and infrastructural);
- students' opinions on teaching, on the organisation of the course and on the curriculum;
- any other information provided by the RAQ, the Education Manager and the Quality Assurance Office Coordinator/Manager.
The work of the Review Group takes the form of the compilation of an Annual Monitoring Form and the drafting of the Cyclical Review Report, which is discussed within the Council of the relevant degree course and forwarded to the University Quality Assurance Body (PQA) and the University Evaluation Committee.
Finally, the Quality Assurance Manager (RAQ) has the function of monitoring and verifying the correct implementation of the improvement actions approved by the Course Council. The RAQ is selected from among the teaching staff of the degree course.
Course Organisation, GdR and RAQ