Calendar of graduation sessions and deadlines

Here you will find all the information on how to apply for graduation, the calendar of sessions with deadlines and all the necessary forms.

All administrative paperwork is handled by the Student registry office [inserire il link].

Graduation Sessions and Deadlines

A.A. 202X/202X

Graduation Session 1

  • Online application period: xx/yy/zzzz - xx/yy/zzzz
  • Deadline for recording marks for examinations and/or internships: xx/yy/zzzz
  • Deadline for uploading dissertations to ESSE3: xx/yy/zzzz
  • Discussion period: xx/yy/zzzz - xx/yy/zzzz

Graduation Session 2

  • Online application period: xx/yy/zzzz - xx/yy/zzzz
  • Deadline for recording marks for examinations and/or internships: xx/yy/zzzz
  • Deadline for uploading dissertations to ESSE3: xx/yy/zzzz
  • Discussion period: xx/yy/zzzz - xx/yy/zzzz


Degree application and forms

Submission of the degree application and thesis delivery is exclusively online.

Please read the instructions below carefully:


NOTA BENE: le pagine "LAUREE" e "LAUREE TRIENNALI" sopra riportate non prevedono la sezione dedicata a CLEMFAS in quanto è un corso di nuova istituzione nell'a.a. 2024/2025 i cui studenti non hanno ancora la possibilità di laurearsi.