Healthcare Associated Infection Risk Management

Postgraduate type
Professional Master Programme
Academic year
1 year
First level
In summary
Opening of applications
Closing of applications
University of Parma Department of Medicine and Surgery
Application calls and forms
ECTS credits
€ 2.516,00
Access requirements

Level I degree in the health professions of nurses and midwives or equivalent qualification pursuant to D.M. 27.7.2000 and Law n.1 of 8.1.2002 with upper secondary school Title of Health Assistant obtained under the old legislation and equivalent DM 27.07.2000 L/SNT4- Healthcare profession of healthcare assistant and prevention technicians or other degree obtained abroad deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee. Diplomas obtained according to the previous legislation of the members of the health professions referred to in DM 509/99 and referred to in Laws 26 February 1999 n. 42 and 10 August 2000 n. 251, considered valid, pursuant to art. 10 of the Law of January 8, 2002 n 1, for access to the Master’s and other Courses activated by the University, provided that they hold the Diploma of Five-Year Maturity obtained in Italy or, by title obtained abroad, after at least 12 years of schooling

Contact for educational information
Beginning of teaching activities
March 2025
Methods of implementation
The lessons related to the lessons will be delivered online (synchronous). Meetings may be scheduled in presence also accessible remotely in synchronous mode.
Educational content

At the end of the Master the student is able to:

Participate in the definition of health and health policies at national, regional, local level to protect the health and safety of citizens

Participate in the identification of infectious risk in health and social health contexts

Planning, managing and evaluating prevention, control and surveillance of infectious risk, in a multiprofessional and multidisciplinary environment

Planning, managing and evaluating training, research and innovation projects in the area of infectious risk

Ensure supervision and advice on infectious risk control based on scientific evidence

Manage effective relationships through the use of communication techniques aimed at involving the user, the caregiver and the operators to control infectious risk

Use, in infectious risk control, methods and tools to guide choices and improve the quality of interventions in relation to technological and knowledge evolution

Promote change in different organizational contexts, encouraging adherence to good practices in infectious risk control

Adopt self-learning strategies and continuous updating of their knowledge and specialist skills.

Admission procedure

chronological order.


Minimum number of enrollments
Maximum number of enrollments
Professional profile

In the Master, the professional acquires specific clinical, managerial, organizational, relational professional skills, working independently and in collaboration with other professionals in various health and social-health contexts, both public and private. The care-related infectious risk specialist is a 'resource-practitioner' for citizens, practitioners and health-care organisations in order to ensure the protection of public health.