Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry - NON MEDICAL LAUREATES

Postgraduate type
Specialisation schools
Academic year
4 years
Sanitaria non medica
In summary
Opening of applications
Closing of applications
Parma administrative headquarters
Application calls and forms
Access requirements
  • Admission to the Graduate School of Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry is open to those who hold a Bachelor's degree in: Biology (Class LM6), Medical, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Class LM9), Industrial Biotechnology (Class LM8), Agricultural and Food Biotechnology (Class LM7), Chemistry (Class LM54), Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy (Class LM13) , Master's Degree corresponding to those listed above, four-year V.O. Degree equivalent to those listed above pursuant to D.I. 9.7.2009. Candidates must also possess the relevant license to practice by the date of registration. Graduates who have not yet obtained the aforementioned qualification may participate "under condition" in the admission tests, with the obligation to pass the state exam by the date of registration. All candidates are conditionally admitted to the examination. The administration will subsequently and at each stage of the competition procedure exclude candidates who do not meet the qualifications and admission requirements stipulated in the notice of competition.
  • Enrollment in the School of Specialization is incompatible with simultaneous enrollment in Graduate Courses (pre-Ministerial Decree 509/1999), Bachelor's Degree and Master's/Master's Degree, PhD Courses, School of Specialization, University Master's Degree.
  • The Order of Studies is regulated by D.I. 716/2016. The duration of the Course of Studies is 4 academic years that cannot be shortened and provides for the total acquisition of 240 CFU.
  • Those who have passed the final examination will be awarded the Diploma of Specialization in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry.

Prof.ssa Roberta Alfieri
Notices: Administrative information can be obtained from the Graduate School Service Office.

  • The School aims to train specialists in the field of laboratory diagnostics, pathophysiology and human pathology. The student will acquire skills in the study of cellular pathology in the areas of oncology, immunology and immunopathology, and genetic pathology. He/she will gain theoretical, scientific and professional knowledge in the study of biological and biochemical parameters in biological specimens as well as in vivo, including in relation to pathophysiological states and clinical biochemistry at different levels of structural organization, from single molecules to cells, tissues, organs, and the whole organism. He/she will acquire skills in the use of complex analytical instrumentation in clinical biochemistry, protein analysis, hematology and coagulation; in blood cell typing; in molecular genetics in genetic pathology; in immunohematological diagnostics; and in the handling of blood, blood components and blood products. Finally, the student should have acquired the necessary skills in laboratory safety and waste disposal; in health care management addressed to organization and legislation in the field of laboratory medicine; in computerized data management; and in analytical quality and process verification procedures.