cod. 00090

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - First semester
Antonella CAVAZZA
Academic discipline
Chimica analitica (CHIM/01)
Discipline biotecnologiche con finalità specifiche:chimiche e farmaceutiche
Type of training activity
52 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Obiettivi formativi OBIETT_FORM Sì Il corso si propone di fornire agli studenti nozioni avanzate delle fasi di un processo analitico e delle principali tecniche analitiche strumentali, con particolare riguardo alle tecniche analitiche spettroscopiche e separative.
Obiettivo del corso è inoltre orientare gli studenti ad una valutazione critica dei risultati sperimentali e delle potenzialità delle tecniche utilizzate nel campo delle biotecnologie.
Al termine del Corso ci si attende che lo studente sia in grado di:
-comprendere ed acquisire conoscenze sui metodi della chimica analitica per lo studio delle molecole nelle loro possibili applicazioni alle biotecnologie
- conoscere i princìpi fondamentali dei metodi di analisi strumentale, con classificazione delle tecniche analitiche strumentali, e dei relativi criteri di scelta
-applicare le principali metodologie e procedure di chimica analitica
-esprimere verbalmente i concetti e i contenuti appresi
- intraprendere studi accademici di livello superiore con adeguato grado di autonomia The course aims at providing students with adequate knowledge on the general organization of a laboratory and specific skills on the technical and practical aspects of chemical analyses. Those knowledge and skills will enable the student to achieve a high degree of autonomy. The student should also demonstrate knowledge and understanding of possible applications in the different fields related to biotechnology. The student will have the basic skills for the presentation of analytical results.


Adequate knowledge of general and organic chemistry, and some basic details about statistics

Course unit content

Introduction to analytical methods.Classification. Mode of expression of concentrations. Criteria for the choice of solvents. Principles of sampling, storage and sample preparation for analysis. Principles and techniques of extraction, isolation and purification of analytes from matrix. Qualitative and quantitative analysis. Definition of limit of detection and quantification. Mode of expression and processing of analytical results; calculation of measurement uncertainty. Calibration curves for quantitative analysis: processing and use. Spectrophotometric methods: theory and applications. UV visible, infrared spectroscopy, fluorescence; atomic adsorption. Chromatographic methods: theory and applications. Gaschromatography and HPLC. Mass spectrometry.

Full programme

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K.A. Rubinson, J.F. Rubinson, Chimica Analitica Strumentale, Zanichelli,
Holler, Skoog, Crouch, Chimica Analitica Strumentale, II edizione, EdiSES,
D.S. Hage, J.D. Carr, Chimica Analitica e Analisi Quantitativa, Piccin, 2012.

Teaching methods

The course includes lectures in classroom, delivered with the support of audio-visual projection systems.
Some activities will involves the use of spreadsheets.
Illustration of case studies related to application of analytical approaches to food, cosmetics, biological and environmental fields..

Assessment methods and criteria

The achievement of the objectives of the course will be evaluated by a oral examination focused on open-ended questions to assess understanding of laboratory procedures and the ability of their correct application by the student. The evaluation of the student's preparation is carried out on scale expressed in thirtieth.

Other information

Material used will be available on Elly platform

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905116

Quality assurance office

Education manager 
Elisabetta Davolio Marani
T. +39 0521 905613
Office Edidattica.scvsa@unipr
Manager E.



Course President

Prof Mariolina Gulli'

Faculty advisor

Prof Giovanna Visioli
Prof Benedetta Passeri

Career guidance delegate

Prof Paola Goffrini

Erasmus delegates

Prof Elena Maestri

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Mario Veneziani


Prof. Mariolina Gullì

Tutor students

Ms Beatrice Giardina

Ms Sophia Luche