DEVELOPMENT The internship must comply with the dates indicated in the training project, and it is recommended to ask for extensions or advances of the end date well in advance if necessary.
The trainee will be supervised by a laboratory tutor or directly by the teacher in charge (company tutor).
During the internship experience, the trainee completes an attendance form (see below) countersigned by the Company Tutor.
The internship includes as an integral part of the compulsory 1 ECTS credit safety course taken during the first year of the course.
Any requests for changes to the initial training project (extension, interruption, relocation, schedule changes, appointment of a new company tutor) must be carried out according to the instructions in the ESSE3 system.
TERMINATION OF THE INTERNSHIPS The traineeship automatically closes on the date stipulated in the training project.
In order to activate the recording of the internship, the student must compulsorily complete the evaluation questionnaire that will appear at the end of the indicated period.
Please note that the internship must be recorded approximately 10 days prior to the graduation session and contributes to the calculation of the grade point average.
Conclusion of the internal internship The trainee must submit the following documents to Prof. Elena Maestri:
Attendance sheets One-page summary, to be sent in pdf or doc format by e-mail, which must contain: title of the thesis paper, student's surname and first name, names of lecturers and referees The Company Tutor must fill in the evaluation sheet and express a grade out of 30 to be communicated by e-mail to the Academic Tutor, who is in charge of entering the evaluation on Essetre and approving the closure of the placement.
Conclusion of the external internship The trainee must submit the following documents to Prof. Elena Maestri:
Attendance forms One-page summary, to be sent in pdf or doc format by e-mail, which must contain: title of the thesis paper, student's surname and first name, names of lecturers and referees The Company Tutor must complete both the Essetre evaluation questionnaire and the evaluation form to be sent together with the grade in thirtieths by e-mail to the Academic Tutor who is responsible for entering the evaluation on Essetre and approving the closure of the placement.