Learning objectives
1st LEARNING ENPOINT: the student is expected to know the central and peripheral nervous system in its macro- and microscopic aspects, in a clinical perspective, with a special focus on cranial nerves and the innervation of the stomatognathic apparatus.
2nd LEARNING ENPOINT; the student is expected to be able to describe shape, position, relationship, structure of the central and peripheral nervous system. The student is supposed to be able to identify individual morphological diversities providing a methodological approach preparatory to the clinical reasoning
3rd LEARNING ENPOINT: the student is expected to be able to develop an anatomical-based thinking and to possess autonomous judgement on the correlation between structure and function.
4th LEARNING ENPOINT: the student is expected to master an anatomical language
Course unit content
Anatomy of the Central and peripheral nervous system
Full programme
Central nervous system. Surface aspects and internal organization of the spinal cord, the encephalic trunk, the cerebellum, the diencephalon, the telencephalon. Sensitive, optical, acoustic, vestibular, gustatory, olfactory, pyramidal, and extrapyramidal pathways. Peripheral nervous system: general features of the spinal nerves, the cranial nerves, and the sympathetic system. Central nervous system. Surface aspects and internal organization of the spinal cord, the encephalic trunk, the cerebellum, the diencephalon, the telencephalon. Sensitive, optical, acoustic, vestibular, gustatory, olfactory, pyramidal, and extrapyramidal pathways. Peripheral nervous system: general features of the spinal nerves, the cranial nerves, and the sympathetic system. Cranial nerves: nuclei, distribution, ganglia, functional aspects.
BARBATELLI et al.– Anatomia Umana, Fondamenti. Ediz. Edi Ermes
FONZI L. “Anatomia funzionale e clinica dello splancnocranio” Ediz. Edi Ermes
TILLMAN B. “Atlante di anatomia odontoiatrica e medicina” RC Ediz. Scientifiche
NETTER F. "Atlante di Anatomia umana". Masson
YOUNG B et al. "Wheather-Istologia e anatomia microscopica" Masson
Teaching methods
Interactive class lectures. Power point slide will be projected and uploaded weekly on “Elly” platform. Slides will be available for Dental Students only (“5027 - ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA”). Atlas, anatomical models and the laboratory of virtual interactive dissection will be also available.
Assessment methods and criteria
The achievement of the above described learning objective will be verified by an oral exam (the oral exam will cover the three sections - splanchnology, general neuroanatomy and anatomy of stomatognathic apparatus). Communicative skills will be assessed too. The result will be announced immediately after.
Students with DSA/BSE must contact the University's Reception and Inclusion Centre (CAI) in advance and follow the CAI's instructions for any requests for personalised examinations (https://www.cai.unipr.it/ ).