Course organisation

The degree course is organised by a number of key figures who are responsible for overseeing its smooth running and development.

Commissione didattica del corso di studio

Il CU-GEO si avvale della collaborazione di una Commissione Didattica, composta da docenti del corso di studi in rappresentanza dei diversi Gruppi Scientifico Disciplinari coinvolti nella didattica.

La Commissione Didattica si occupa, tra l’altro, degli aspetti inerenti le richieste di accesso ai CdS, dei trasferimenti e del riconoscimento dei CFU maturati presso altri CdS e altri Atenei ed è così composta:

Prof. Alessandro CHELLI (Presidente del CU),

Prof. Giampiero IAFFALDANO,

Prof. Vinicio MANZI,

Prof. Lorenzo TOSCANI

Responsible for Course Quality Assurance (RAQ)

Prof. Elena Turco

The RAQ:

  • collaborates with the course President and the Department Director in the planning of improvement actions and monitors their implementation;
  • monitors the smooth running of teaching activities and support services;
  • informs the course President of any problem concerning the smooth running of teaching activities, also on the basis of students' reports.

To send or report a problem concerning teaching and organisational aspects, students may write to the Course Quality Assurance Manager: Elena Turco

Education Quality Manager


Gabriella Cavalli


 The manager ensures the organisation and functionality of the didactics of the degree course and manages and updates the content of the degree course website

Review Group (GR)

The GR:

  • Has the task to guide the course towards the objective of continuous improvement of results;
  • Manages the self-assessment process by periodically monitoring the course data, detecting strengths and weaknesses and proposing corrective and improvement actions.

Joint Committee of Teachers and Students - CPDS

Each department establishes a Joint Committee of Teachers and Students (CPDS) consisting of one lecturer and one student from each course of study pertaining to the department.

The CPDS is a permanent observatory on teaching activities

Delegate for guidance and tutoring

Prof. Luciana Mantovani

Guidance and tutoring activities support students in their choice of university pathway and throughout their studies

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Emma Petrella 

The Delegate organises and promotes initiatives aimed at facilitating the entry of graduating and graduate students into the world of work.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee, consisting of a representation of course teaching staff and representatives from the world of work, ensures constant liaison with the world of business and the world of work, in order to assess the performance of the Degree Courses, draw up proposals for the definition and design of the course catalogue and learning objectives, and promote contacts for possible student internships in companies and institutions.

The Steering Committee is composed as follows:

Internal members:

Fulvio Celico;
Alessandro Chelli (Course President);
Paola Iacumin;
Fabrizio Storti;

External members
Antonio Cilona, representing Shell
Paride Antolini, President of the Regional Geologists' Association
Sergio Nardon, representing ENI
Pietro Tomasaz Boggio (ARPAe), representing regional public bodies
Livia Soliani Vice President of the Regional Geologists' Association
Marco Ghirardi (Municipality of Parma), representing local public bodies
Domenico Mazzone, representing Proger
Marco Occhi (GEOSEC S.r.l.), representing Service Companies

International Student Mobility Commission

The commission manages student mobility (incoming and outgoing) in relation to all international exchange programmes (Erasmus Plus, Overworld etc.).

The committee is composed as follows:

Prof. Andrea Artoni Coordinator
Profs. Maestri and Petraglia Erasmus referents for the Biology area
Prof. Bartoli referent Overworld and extra-European initiatives for the Biology area
Prof. Pelosi and Secchi referent Erasmus for the Chemistry area
Prof. Tegoni referent Overworld and extra-European initiatives for the Chemistry area
Prof. Artoni referent Erasmus for the Geology area
Prof. Balsamo referent Overworld and extra-European initiatives for the Geology area

The Commission identifies in the referents Artoni, Maestri and Pelosi the persons responsible for signing the Learning Agreements of the respective areas.


Contact person for students with disabilities, Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) or vulnerable groups

Prof Paola Goffrini

The course contact person for the vulnerable groups works in close cooperation with the CAI (University Welcome and Inclusion Centre) in the field of reception, assistance, social integration and rights of people with disabilities, Specific Learning Difficulties (DSA), Special Educational Needs (BES).


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521905116

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Ms Gabriella Cavalli

T. +39 0521 906087
Office E.
Manager E. 

President of the degree course

Prof. Alessandro Chelli


Faculty advisor

Prof. Paola Monegatti


Career guidance delegate

Prof. Emma Petrella

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Teresa Trua


Tutor students

Dr Niccolò Chizzini