The course in brief
Neuroscience is one of the leading areas of scientific research at the University of Parma. The LM51 Second-Cycle Degree Course in Psychobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience aims to provide a multidisciplinary background in the sciences that study individual mental processes and their biological basis. It aims to train graduates with a solid background at the intersection of psychobiology, general and experimental psychology, physiology and behavioural biology, as well as specific methodological and practical skills relating to the conduct of experimental research in psychobiology and cognitive neuroscience, data analysis, the study of scientific literature, and scientific communication, both in basic research and in its clinical and rehabilitation applications. In particular, the course aims to train professionals able to access specialisation in psychotherapy or able to work as psychologists in public and private health and welfare facilities, cooperating with health workers, families and communities. In addition, the course aims to select young scholars for doctoral studies at our university or at other research centres in Italy or abroad.