Deadlines and modalities for attribution of the thesis, final examination and degree
The final examination consists of the discussion, before a Committee, of a dissertation outlined within the framework of a teaching programme and prepared by the candidate under the supervision of a supervisor and a rapporteur.
The thesis and discussion, regardless of the type of thesis, is awarded a mark from 0 to 5, which is added to the weighted average of the marks achieved during candidate's career. The sum constitutes the final graduation grade, expressed on a basis of 110, with possible honours upon unanimous opinion of the Committee.
Starting from a.y. 2020-2021, any additional points may be awarded for successful attendance of specific activities, solely on the basis of determinations by the Degree Course or University bodies.
The thesis may be written in a language other than Italian, in accordance with the University Regulations and subject to the authorisation of the supervisor, the rapporteur (if any) and the Course Council.
It is possible to take the final examination in a course from another degree programme. The degree examination must in all cases comply with these Regulations and take place in front of one of the Committees appointed for degrees in this degree programme.
The Final Degree Examination Committee (Degree Committee) consists of at least five members and is appointed by the Department Director (pursuant to the University Regulations).
In order to be eligible for the final examination, the student must have successfully completed all the activities envisaged in the official programme of study.
In the event of failure to pass the final examination, regardless of the average mark obtained in the examinations, the title is not awarded.